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Old 04-11-10, 11:41 AM   #1
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getting a carpet!!!!!!!

i am getting my new carpet from curtinherps. great guy to work with love it. i have found a cage! finally and i need to know what i should be getting done he is fairly small right now so the cage is about 2 ft long 1 ft deep and wide. i have a much larger cage that he will go into as soon as him and my bp grow some.
now for the questions :

what do i need in the cage, substrate and branches and housing what kind yada yada
how often do you guys feed your yound carpets
how often should i be handling him when i first get him? (these are pets not breeders, i dont breed quite yet...)
and just about anything that i need to know tell me everything, oh and if you have pictures of your collection of carpets i would love to see them and their enclouseres!!!

thanks guys
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Old 04-11-10, 02:28 PM   #2
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

many people will tell you to leave it alone for the first week or so because the move will be rather stressfull on him, feed it every week, and the cage you have is 2 small these are arborial snakes, they like it up in the trees and off the ground, if you have a larger cage put it in that or build somthing thats at least 4 feet tall and 2x2 will work good,i use aspen for substrate. post some pics of your little guy we would love to see them
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Old 04-11-10, 02:32 PM   #3
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

you say when your carpet and ball get bigger.your not planning on keeping them in the same tank are you ? they are from 2 totally different countrys also a carpet would most likely kill a ball python.

what age is your carpet and what kind of carpet is it ? you will need branches as carpets are semi aboreal snakes,they love to climb and hang around in branches.substrate that looks really nice is aspen.but you would have to feed outside its tank as aspen can get in their mouths.will be able to help you more once you post more information on your new carpet.
cheers shaun

freebody thats great advice for an older carpet but if its in its first year the tank she has would do ok.we all need some more info on your carpet .if you put in too big a tank then you can stress it and it will stop eating.

feeding yes every 7 days if its in its early years if sub adult or adult the feeding changes.
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Old 04-11-10, 02:46 PM   #4
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

I got mine from him. She is a sweet heart. And Mike is super nice. Was the first breeder I ever bought from. Cant wait to see the in Carpet
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Old 04-11-10, 02:56 PM   #5
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

Oh feeding I feed mine every 8 days. Because she is still young. If yours is a baby baby feed it every 5 to 7 days. I have a big piece of Drift wood in mines enclosure. She really seems to like it. Hold well give it a week to chill. Then hold it the first day for 5 mins then next 10 mins and so on. Mine was nippy when I first got her so if yours is just wear gloves. Mine wasn't nippy for long and now she is a sweet heart.


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Old 04-11-10, 03:07 PM   #6
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

okay thanks guys
i guess i wasnt very clear my BP is bigger and has a bigger cage, he will shortly be needing a larger cage then my carpet will move into my BP's old cage
he is a jcp by the way and he is around a year old
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Old 04-11-10, 05:52 PM   #7
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

I have found that my carpets do not really take advantage of perches, with the exception of one female I have, who will perch but also use her hide box. With a 1-foot high cage you can probably fit a small driftwood type thing in there that your carpet can perch on if he chooses. Make sure he has a few hide boxes as well and a large water bowl.

After reading your other thread about your BP eating substrate, I think you need to wait until you figure out what is going on with your BP BEFORE you bring another snake into the house. You need to make sure it isn't contagious or you risk losing both snakes. You also absolutely MUST find a reptile vet and get your BP there. Talk to Mike Curtin and ask him if he can hold off on shipping until you know what is going on with your BP. I know him well and he is a stand-up guy and should have no problem working with you.
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Old 04-12-10, 04:48 AM   #8
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

theres certain times of the week mines are out more than others,they all take to the branches for a couple of days after a feed.they all usually come out their hides around 5pm to 6pm most nights.i have one jungle who ive never seen on the ground.she eats,sleeps and poops all from the highest branch in her tank.a year old carpet i'd feed every 7 days,remember to ask the breeder what kind of food item your snakes been feeding on.sorry i miss understood what you meant about moving your ball then the carpet getting its tank.we had someone on here not that long ago that was planning on putting different types of snake in the same tank.i just got worried that was what you were planning,my mistake.
cheers shaun

p.s.remember to give it plenty places to least one in the hot end and one in the cool end.cant wait to see pic's of your carpet once its settled in.willow makes a good point on trying to find out whats up with your ball could be a viral thing and your new snake would be in danger of being exposed to it.if you cannot put off shipping the carpet keep them in seperate rooms at opposite ends of the house if possible.always quarintine a new snake.everyone has different views on how long quarintine should last.i personally give them 3 months,i know of folk who give it 6 months and a year.
cheers shaun
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Last edited by shaunyboy; 04-12-10 at 04:56 AM..
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Old 04-12-10, 07:47 AM   #9
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

Yes, quarantine is always a must when you are bringing new snakes into your house. It can save you tons of money and heartache. I have heard of people who have lost entire collections of over 100 animals to things like IBD, after bringing in an asymptomatic but infected animal. When you are quarantining, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly and change any clothes one snake has touched before working with the other. It's a pain in the butt, but worth it in the long run.
A few months ago, I had gotten in two snakes that turned out to be infested with mites, the worst I've ever seen, and I had to wash laundry several times a day the first week while I was treating them most intensively to get rid of the parasites. It was go into the quarantine room, give them water, soak them, reapply Nix, step to the doorway, strip down and take my clothes immediately to the wash, take a shower, then redress and go about my day. It was a major inconvenience, but it was what I had to do to make sure I didn't track mites all over my house and get my other snakes infested too.
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Old 04-12-10, 12:03 PM   #10
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

willow,thats exactly what i do when dealing with mite infested snakes.the worst bit is my snakes in quarintine are on a different floor level in my house.that entails me running to put my clothes straight into the washing machine.then streaking starkers through the house and upstairs to our shower.not a pretty sight i'm sure.haha
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Old 04-12-10, 12:18 PM   #11
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

Lol. Ah yes, streaking for the sake of our snakes' health... good thing we have blinds on all the windows. That whole week they were down 24/7 so the neighbors didn't have to put up with my nekkid rearend running up and down the stairs. My snakes are all upstairs on the 3rd level and the laundry machine is on the ground floor/basement, so I have the same predicament you do when it comes to dealing with mites and clothes...
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Old 04-14-10, 07:20 PM   #12
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

I don't know how to put pictures on. Help? Hmm
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Old 04-14-10, 07:22 PM   #13
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

Image didn't work. You have to put it in the image tags. There's a button on top of the box where you type in your message that looks like a yellow square with a mountain and sun inside it. Click that and paste your image file into it. That should work.
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Old 04-14-10, 09:22 PM   #14
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

dang i cant figure it out i will keep trying
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Old 04-14-10, 09:29 PM   #15
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Re: getting a carpet!!!!!!!

ok i think this worked now!!! well here is my little baby
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