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Old 12-10-02, 03:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec-2002
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Smile a stupid question

Do Lavender corns have the red eyes like snows and albinos? I have seen some pictures but I can't really tell.I know this is an EXTREMELY stupid question, but I have really been wondering about it.


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Old 12-10-02, 04:35 PM   #2
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As far as I know they have black eyes. Take a look at this pic from <a href="">South Mountain Reptiles</a>.

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Old 12-10-02, 05:22 PM   #3
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Some lavenders will have ruby eyes (not RED like albinos, though... some ghosts get ruby eyes too) I think there's a pic of one in the Cornsnake Manual... (and, here's a link to someone else's pic of a ruby eyed lav )
Most lavs, however, have dark eyes. Take a look at the lavender motley page at Serpenco... the eyes are pretty clear on all the pics. I have some pics of my hatchling lavs taken by Rich before I got them, and you can see they have very brown colored eyes with black pupils at this age (can't post them right now, I'm not at home).

various cornsnakes, 0.1 black pine snake, 1.0 uromastyx geyri, etc.

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Old 12-10-02, 10:00 PM   #4
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See, Izzie, not a stupid question at all! Even the snakes can't decide which color their eyes should be, so different strokes for different folks.
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Old 12-11-02, 12:35 AM   #5
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well currently I have 8 lavenders and all of them have black/brown eyes.

I too have heard that some of them have ruby eyed but then they tend to grow back to black/brown when they mature into adult hood.

I know that a lot of the ruby eyed ghosts does....and I have heard that the lavenders does the same thing
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Old 12-12-02, 01:51 PM   #6
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thanks to all
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