please help..
I curently own 3 ATBs, all are caged separetly and have identical set ups(same heat & humidity). 2 of them i bought around 3-4 months ago , oe of them hasent been eating lately and tonight i noticed it would open its mouth when i came around it and blood was coming out of its mouth. I am thinking it has sompething to do with a parasite because the other 2 atbs are kept in the same method as the sick one, therefor it should not have to do with humidity or temp problems.
any help would be great,
0.0.1 Mali uromastyx , 0.0.1 Nigerian uromastyx , 2.3.0 Leopard geckos 0.0.1 savannah monitor 0.2 African clawed frogs , 0.0.1 pac man frog, 0.0.1 tomato frog , 0.0.1 whites tree frog , 0.0.2 Corn snakes , 1.1.0 Hog Island boa, 2.0.1amazon tree boas