finicky jungle carpet python
well my jungle carpet python is doing great accept for feeding. I have had her for about 2-4 wks (really forgot) but the breeder (from Mirage Arizona) said she was eating f/t large pinky mice. I tried but she didin't eat them. Then I got some live pinkies and she was real inquisitive but still hasn't eaten them. I saw her staring at them for about 10 minutes but then just ignored them. I was feeding her in cage because she was real aggressive (smelled the pinkies) so I couldn't get her out. She is a NICE snake. I have her out 6 times and she only struck in cage on the 1st night, and when my cousin scared her on accident by touching the back of her head. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
current herps:
4 tadfrogs (mid-change from tadpole to frog) bullfrogs
1 alligator snapping turtle
1 red-eared slider
1 baby ( about 1ft long) american alligator
1 4ft american alligator
1 yellow anaconda
1.1 proven pair of brooksi kingsnake (true brooks)