eastern indigo snake in oklahoma?
well a couple of years ago while brushhogging on our land (80 acres) here in oklahoma we came across what appeared to be a 6-7ft. eastern indigo snake... I know black rat snakes live here because a large 6 footer lives on our property (I catch him a lot) well he was trashed up and I instantly knew he was an eastern due to the indigo coloring and the red jaw (not blood) my dad ended his misery (he was alive with a partially decapitated head  ) recently I looked up indigos and it stated that they don't live anywhere near oklahoma... any opinions...
current herps:
4 tadfrogs (mid-change from tadpole to frog) bullfrogs
1 alligator snapping turtle
1 red-eared slider
1 baby ( about 1ft long) american alligator
1 4ft american alligator
1 yellow anaconda
1.1 proven pair of brooksi kingsnake (true brooks)