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Old 03-22-05, 01:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan-2005
Location: Wilmington, MA
Posts: 16
Question Aggressive JCP

I have a 6 month old JCP who has a nasty disposition, I know that juvenile snakes usually have attitudes and lose it as they
develop but there seems to be no stopping this aggression. I
handle it often, trying to break the habit but haven't had any
luck. Is this normal behavior for this specie, or am I unlucky and
have an aggressive one. Any help will be appreciated.
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Old 03-22-05, 04:46 PM   #2
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When i got my two jcp's they were just like that,bitting at anything that moved.but now they are 2 years old and pretty easy to handle.So yes the aggresiveness should go away with age

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Old 03-23-05, 01:18 AM   #3
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most carpets are like that when they are younger. its just there defensive instincts. in the wild anything bigger then them is a predator when there that small. with time and handling your jungle should grow out of it. there are a few that never do, but thats rare. i had one a few years ago that was like that untill it was about 18 months old. only advice i can give you is to take it out of the cage with a hook and place it in your hands and wear gloves. although that small gloves aren't necessary since the bites are painless, they do draw blood though. sometimes it helps to just reach in there and pick it up without hesitating and being scared of gettin bit. hope this helps.

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Old 04-11-05, 09:24 PM   #4
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My Carpet is a bitch sometimes and can be nasty. Im hoping she'll grow out of it. It can be frustrating since I own THE nicest snake (my boa) I've ever seen regarding disposition.
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Old 05-30-05, 12:30 PM   #5
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i got my jungle when she was 3 months old. took her home and she struck at the hide box if i moved it, stuck at people on the other side of the glass, and everything.
At first i was really scared to take a bite from her, so i wore gloves, but if you were gloves your snake will get used to the smell of the gloves and not bite that, but then you take the gloves off and there is a different smell!
So i just stuck my hand in front of her, let her bite me and then picked her up.
She is so mellow now, coming up to two years old, havn't been biten since she was about 6 months!
Just take time though
hope this helps
Play with the rest and you will die like the rest.
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