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Old 01-24-05, 11:00 PM   #1
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Breeding ~ 101

Okay. I have read almost every book out there on snakes and boas. I've been a member of numerous forums for quite some time now (not this forum) and I would love to hear what everyone goes through to get their boas (RTB's) to breed.

Do you put them through brumation (cooling), do you decrease the light cycle? If you cool, what temps? When you warm them up how long/gradule is the increase? What temps do you keep gravid females? Do you put the female into males cage or vise versa? Does anyone keep their snakes in one large enclosure and get them to mate successfully? I know this is typically frowned on, but maybe someone has had good experiences.

I'm almost taking a poll on what everyone does. I have read back to the begining of this forum sorted by popularity and did not find a topic like this, so I thought this would be a good place to pool everyone's thoughts together. Hence the title. Let's go back to "school" and teach everyone right.

There are no "right" or "wrong" answers here. So stay on topic and lets get some personal experiences on this forum that will be of use to us all. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

Mods: Please don't move this to the breeding board as this is more specified towards boas.
0.1 ~ 6' Suriname ~ "Lily" 0.1 ~ 5' Suriname/Brazilian X ~ "Pika" 1.0 ~ 5'6" Suriname ~ "Rayn" 1.1 ~ 19" & 21" Baby Ball Python ~ "Tiki" & "Tash" 2.2 ~ Sandfire X Moph Bearded Dragons ~ "Mina & Mika" & "Bali & Nero" 0.1 ~ Mountain Horned Dragon ~ "Jojo"

Last edited by chaotic; 01-24-05 at 11:11 PM..
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Old 01-25-05, 05:06 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul-2002
Posts: 4,768
Red Tail Boa Constrictor Constrictor or Imperator? The only boas that I know of that are brumated are Rosy Boas. No one brumates their Imperators or Constrictors.
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Old 01-25-05, 10:29 AM   #3
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BCC's. I have heard of ppl cooling thier boas about 5-10 degrees. I have never but it seems to work for them.

Lets get some experiences of start to finish breeding procedures for everyone.

Like I said, no right or wrong just experiences and opinions. I'm not about to tell someone who has been cooling his BCC's with success for over 10 years that he is wrong. It just works for him and he gets great results.

So from start to finish.
Keep boas together/separated?
Male into female's enclosure or reversed?
For how long? Do you put them together for a period of time on and off?
Do you raise the temps?
Do you cool them?
How often and what size do you feed?
What temps to keep females at after ovulation?
How long from copulation to POS on average?
How long from POS to birth on average?

Let's share experiences and put some valuable infromation on this forum.
Let's put together a one stop lession for all the beginers in this forum. And remember, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
0.1 ~ 6' Suriname ~ "Lily" 0.1 ~ 5' Suriname/Brazilian X ~ "Pika" 1.0 ~ 5'6" Suriname ~ "Rayn" 1.1 ~ 19" & 21" Baby Ball Python ~ "Tiki" & "Tash" 2.2 ~ Sandfire X Moph Bearded Dragons ~ "Mina & Mika" & "Bali & Nero" 0.1 ~ Mountain Horned Dragon ~ "Jojo"

Last edited by chaotic; 01-25-05 at 10:32 AM..
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Old 02-01-05, 12:30 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun-2004
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Posts: 25
I was also wondering about breeding and have been wait for any replys.....Anyone?
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Old 02-01-05, 01:18 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec-2004
Posts: 4
Try for information. Dave and Tracy Barker have a video that you can purchase. It is about 1 hr long and covers husbandry, feeding, genetics, sexing, and breeding. They also interview Rich Ihle of He is one of the leading breeders of boa morphs. If you have not seen his site you will enjoy his available animal pics.
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