Heard of him a few years ago from friends and found his website last year... never watched any lectures by him, though...
Me and a couple buddies like to drink excessive amounts of coffee and discuss which political figures, celebs, ect., are "in on it" and give our own opinions about the NWO, ect, ect...
So I just wanted to see if anyone else was "crazy" as well.
Gets pretty far fetched at times, but we have fun. (at least I do)
My one friend takes alot of things dead serious though.... (I think he might be one of "them") lol
There are a bunch of David's books available through chapters and was thinking of grabbing a bunch... I've got a couple of weeks to spare... and was wondering if anyone had a favorite Icke book. (or even related material)
Here's his website... lotsa stuff goin on here... been reading for a while and haven't made a dent yet... my favorite is the reptillian archives...