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Old 11-17-04, 02:06 PM   #1
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im currently using a red bulb for heating and a human heat pad. if i use both the temperature gets high to 100 % so i turn the heat pad off and just keep the red bulb. My question is, does the bp usually is cold to the touch of the hand??? everytime i pick up my bp, her body is always cold. nothing unusual to her. she stop eating 2 weeks ago but shes active when i take her out and hold her. is this something that i should be concern about
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Old 11-17-04, 02:37 PM   #2
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I orginally bought a red heat lamp and a heat pad for my bp and I ended up scrapping the heat lamp. Your heat pad should be set to around 89. 89 being the temperature taken in the BP's hide on the substrate. Use a digital probe or temp gun to determine the temperatures, the dials are annoying and innaccurate. That temperate, i'm guessing you meant 100 F, is too high. Take the lamp off completely and just use the pad. If it gets too cold above the pad remove some substrate, if it gets to hot above the pad still add substrate, but only add substrate as a temperary fix. Adjust your human heating pad according till you find a good balance. Bp's shouldn't feel freezing cold to the touch but somewhat cool. Our body temperatures are kept higher then the temperature that a BP requires so yes they should always feel somewhat cold. Well 2 weeks isn't bad, I would start worrying in a couple months if she starts to lose size. Snakes can go very long without eating. But I would get her temps right and then not handle her until she eats.

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Old 11-17-04, 02:40 PM   #3
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Yes because last time I check 100% wasn't a measurment of Tempature.

You need to know what your tempatures are, you can't guess about it. You need a digital thermometer to get an accurate id of what your temps are. My guess is if you are using a Human Heat Pad and a Red Heat Light without a dimmer on either your tempatures are way to hot and your ball python allways feels cold because assuming you have an area that doesn't have any heat he is allways using that area because it is way to hot on the other side.

My suggestion, get a digital thermometer, get a dimmer for the heat pad and light and get a book on Ball Python husbandry. The Ball Python manual is one most would suggest.
Adam Becker

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Old 11-17-04, 02:47 PM   #4
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ive done everything you guy's said. i corrected the temperature. im just curious bout how the bp's body feels. she is feeding before my guess is just that shes fasting right now. i also have male that hasnt eaten for about amonth now. im not worried because as many people have said that this is the mating season. most adult bp's will go off feed. thanks for the help
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Old 11-17-04, 02:55 PM   #5
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That was quick, how do you know you have the correct tempature?

You can't accuratly tell anything about an animal by the way it feels, it may feel cold to you, but unless it is unusally cold that is just the tempature the animal is deciding to keep itself at or possibly only has access to certian tempatures, but unless your looking for broken bones or something of that nature I wouldn't really be worried about the way your Ball python Feels.

Also what are you feeding them?
Adam Becker

1.2.1 Ball Pythons
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Last edited by Vengeance; 11-17-04 at 02:57 PM..
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Old 11-17-04, 06:25 PM   #6
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ive corrected the temperature long time ago. i should have just ask if bp feels cold. hehehehe.... im feeding it live medium rat. i have 2 bp's. my female is 5 years old and shes about 4 ft and my male is about 2 1/2 years old ang hes 3 ft. i have a digital thermometer that i purchased before to accurately test my temps.
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Old 11-17-04, 09:18 PM   #7
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I'm with Vengeance. How the heck can temperature be 100%? 100% of what?

LOL! Too funny.
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Old 11-17-04, 10:04 PM   #8
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Are you using a hydrometor to measure your temps? If so you need a thermometer. If you are using a thermometer, what type is it and where is it located?
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