Well, It's been a busy couple of months and year for that fact. Now that we are now getting settled into out new home in Eastern Ontario. I haven't had the time to post a few new snakes that have been added to the collection.
These knobs were a pleasure to acquire from Jim aka JWSporty.
Female Knob
Male Knob
These Andeans came from the Red Deer show thanks to Jim for graciously buying them for me without prior concent. Like i would have turned them down. Thanks again Jim.
Male Andean
Female Andean
This little girl was acquired from a pet store in New Brunswick. I suspect her to be an intergrade but i also see some Jalisco traits. I guess i'll call her a Mexican until Uncle Roy can set me straight.
Female Mexican
Last but not least is this beauty Mexican Male that came from MaryV. This guy is a gem and went straight into a display tank.
A very happy acquisition Mary. TYVM.