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Old 09-20-04, 09:36 PM   #1
jalisco milk
Join Date: Sep-2004
Location: CANADA
Posts: 29
over feed?

First of all i'd just like to say this forum is great you've helped me out alot ty.I was just wondering if you can over feed a snake?Will they just keep eatting til they pop lol. Ok thats it for now thanks again..bye
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Old 09-20-04, 09:50 PM   #2
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They won't keep eating until they 'pop', but they will eat more than they should, which may result in a regurgitation, or too much to digest and it begins to decompose without increased temps, and in contrast, many will regurgitate or die if provided with too high of temps. The reason for this, is in the wild snakes do not have constant access to food, so during seasons where they are feeding readily, they are wired to take what they can get. Some excercise this instinct more than others. Also, snakes remain in feeding mode for some time after their meals, and may eat whatever they are offered (this is the reason many people offer a different type of prey after feeding one kind in an effort to switch).
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Old 09-21-04, 09:20 AM   #3
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Sort of depends on the species but some of them will really gorge - and like Linds says - hard for them to digest a huge meal - often regurg and that can be a major setback for a young snake (as well as a really stinky mess). Best to avoid it by making sure you control how big their meals are.

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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