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Old 09-10-04, 11:55 AM   #1
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A "Chain" Reaction

I can't get enough of this awful *******, such attitude! This is what I get every time I have to do something in the cage unless it's feeding time, in which case he really loses it. lol! Eating is the only thing he likes to do more than try to bite me.

I've had a lot of fun with this snake, we've chased eachother around the room on several occasions and he's only managed to actually tag me once. I'm glad that they're not all like this but I sort of enjoy having one that is truly wild and impossible to tame.
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-10-04, 02:29 PM   #2
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Nice! Do you have a mate for him? Would be nice to see them more available in Canada.
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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Old 09-10-04, 02:42 PM   #3
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Nope, no mate yet, mainly because this one is too nutty to get a probe into even with two people and a towel. lol!

I call this one "he" but I'm not sure why because only women have ever hated me as much as this snake seems to. This is the only Eastern King I've ever seen in person, of any sex, so it's not like I've had to turn any away.

I'd like to produce these guys one day, they should be every bit as popular as any Cal king, if anything these guys are more impressive I think, given their larger size.
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-10-04, 03:02 PM   #4
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That is suck a beautiful King! A King snake with an attitude problem, no way, that's unheard of! *LOL* I wouldn't mind working with those myself.
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Old 09-10-04, 06:36 PM   #5
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Dude, that is one mean pose...

Just wait 'til that thing is full grown, lol.

Chains are gorgeous...
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Old 09-10-04, 07:09 PM   #6
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Yeah he's miserable. lol!

I think this one is pretty well full grown at about 4 feet. I know they are supposed to get a lot bigger but I've had this one for a couple of years now at least and he's only responded to feeding by getting fatter but not visibly longer. I'm was feeding him weekly but he was getting flabby, so this season it's been only every 2 or even 3 weeks.

All of my snakes will be getting cycled this winter, most for the first time because I'm hoping it will help some of the fat ones around here slim down. I want to feed them enough to get good growth out of them but a few were failing the "Roy Stockwell Dangling Snake Obesity Test", can't have that! lol!
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-10-04, 08:59 PM   #7
Kevin McRae
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Man,That is a sweet snake
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Old 09-10-04, 10:07 PM   #8
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Sure wish I could dig up and retrace who got my adult pair. It was someone in Winnipeg. Tim Cranwill should know him. Wonder if he's had success with them yet or not.
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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Old 09-10-04, 10:21 PM   #9
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Port Credit Pets has had some advertised forever now but their pricelist hasn't been updated in a few months so who knows. Can't afford to expand the collection right now anyway.

How big were your adults and what sort of temperment did they have?
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-10-04, 10:48 PM   #10
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Always snapping pictures Paul, always. lol! I have hundreds of pictures of my animals and that's just the ones I've kept out of many thousands I've taken. All part of the addiction.

When are you going to post some of those pics anyway? You've got some cool stuff, let's see 'em man.
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-11-04, 09:25 AM   #11
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My adults were both dog tame. Male used to do educational shows. He was 6' and the female was 5' 6".
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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Old 09-11-04, 09:34 AM   #12
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Sorry Vanan, I don't know the guy that bought them. He was from Brandon (2.5 hours west of Winnipeg). That was the first and only time I met him. He was a teacher or professor but that's about all I remember about him.
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Old 09-11-04, 01:47 PM   #13
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Big and dog tame eh? Damn, too bad you sold them. Ever get any eggs out of them?
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 09-11-04, 02:09 PM   #14
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Tim, sorry I assumed that since you guys lived in the same province you'd know each other by now. lol! BTW, I think his name was Doug McIntyre. Anyone heard of him?

Never got any eggs cos I sold before I had a chance to. Needed the cash for the move. A bunch of my adult breeders went during that time.
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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Old 09-11-04, 02:55 PM   #15
Kevin McRae
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Vanan that name sounds familiar....
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