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Old 08-25-04, 07:58 AM   #1
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Chronicles of a New Snake owner, Part 2

Hiya guys-

This is long, be warned. But I try to make it somewhat entertaining

As I sit here typing on my laptop, I am watching Omega test the limitations of his enclosure. I have never seen him try to do this before. I havent seen him full out for a while, and he has a bit of stuck shed i need to get off. He is not my little hatchling anymore He is probably tween a foot and a half and two feet, at about 6 months of age, or close to it. And very fat and pretty on his diet of f/t Hyrdrated rat pups {thanks marisa }) He is still in the 10g tank with the glass covering all but the edge of it- and he is checking out the perimeter of the very top now, using his climbing branch. I know some say BP's dont climb- but I tell ya, if your BP doesnt have one in his enclosure, give him one. I really love to watch him climb, which he does all the time. Omega seems to really dig his (flexible wired faux bamboo branches from the dollar tree, that go from one bottom corner to one top corner diagonally in the tank), and he will hang from it from time to time like an arboreal. He has even fed from it....

Anyways- tangential as always, I apologize.... Back to the subject-I could be crazy, (a definite possibilty), but I SWEAR he is actually testing the weight of each point on the top of it, pressing his head up on it, looking for weak POINTS. He definitely appears to be doing it methodically, intentionally, and remembering... learning.. planning. Anyone else get this vibe from their BP?

No one ever talks about snake intelligence. So Id like to have a go round about how smart you all think snakes are. I swear the longer I have him- I realize he is MUCH smarter than I thought any snake could be.

And not just that, but how strong are they- the clips for the screen lid sucked and I took them off. I have glass on the top of the tank, which distribues some weight, as well as a pretty hefty dragon sculpture, and other heavy items. Probably about 10 pounds in total. More weight?

Peace out-

1.0.0 Ball Python Omega
1.0.0 Amel Corn Bob Dylan

Last edited by Artemis; 08-25-04 at 08:02 AM..
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Old 08-25-04, 09:58 AM   #2
ib_inked's Avatar
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Your snake is much like one of the ones I have.
He not only climbs ALOT (and I give him losts to climb on) but he also feed like an arboreal. He will hang by his tail from a branch that goes diagonally from one corner of the tank to another and grab f/t mice or rat pups, constrict and eat them while never touching the ground.
Also, his enclosure is right behind my computer desk which I am often at late at night. All night he will be going from branch to branch, extending his body as far as he can, and pushing his head up at different parts of the metal screen top.
I hear him fall all the time from the branches to the floor of the enclosure while searching.
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