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Old 05-10-04, 10:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2004
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Unhappy Won't eat!

my children's python (sparky) is still refusing. I've had him for going on 3 weeks now. And left him alone for 1 week and was very nippy for about the past week and a half. Except for the past 3 days. He's mellowed out alot and doesn't strike every time I walk past him. Now he's actually really sweet and likes to be out of the cage and be held. But he won't eat. The firs week I tried a f/t fuzzy. 2nd week tried p/k fuzzy. this past weekend I tried 1 live fuzzy left him alone covered him w/ a sheet to have privacy so he can do his thing. Temps were 89 it was perfect. Left him alone went to the mall eat 5 hrs later I come back and he's CUDDLEING w/ the fuzzy. So I tried a live pink thought maybe it was to big. (but he was eating fuzzies b4). Same thing went out got into the pool even took a nap and watched a movie and nothing. I already took him to the vet b4 I fed him live and she said that he was a little under weight for his size and age. At a year old only weighing in at 28 grams. And my 4 month old rosey which gets the same size as he does weighs 29 grams. So you guys got any ideas the vet dewormed him already. I'm gonna take him back tomorrow to see what's up but any advice would be great. Thanks.
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Old 05-10-04, 10:42 PM   #2
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why don't you try a pinky pump that will make him eat. otherwise he mite be ready to shed his skin.
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Old 05-11-04, 06:52 PM   #3
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Well I called the vet today cuz coudn't make it in and what she told me to do was get a live pink since they don't bite and have no teeth from what she said. Put it in a smaller container then he is now for feeding and leave him in their over night. What do you guys think?
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Old 05-13-04, 08:18 PM   #4
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i think that would be ok.
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Old 05-13-04, 09:11 PM   #5
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I am sorry, but a pinkie pump after only 3 wks. Only do the pinky pump if recomended by a vet, or very knowledgeable herper.
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Old 05-13-04, 09:35 PM   #6
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The smaller container idea often works. I have one cornsnake that will only eat in a delicup (the others aren't so fussy).
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