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Old 04-10-04, 01:22 PM   #1
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European help

Hey everyone. My husband and I just went into a reptile and snake shop here in the Netherlands. We were looking for another Corn snake to add, but saw our first Crested gecko's. We were hooked. I've been reading the posts and checking out the pics and I must say that they are just breath taking. Unfortunately we must wait to buy some. At a price of 178 Eruo's per gecko, it seemed a bit too much. They said it was due to the unavailability. But from the reading that is not true in the US. Can anyone tell me if there are any breeders in Europe? And if so, do they also have the colorful ones? The ones in the shop were a pale yellow with only one of them having a slight grey darkening along the sides and tail. Seemed pretty dull colors to me. I admit the were only about 6 in. or so and it was in the afternoon. Also what kind of plants do you all use in your terrariums? Live or artificial? Any way, thanks for the help.

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Old 04-11-04, 02:45 AM   #2
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Crested geckos are definitely a great choice to start with if you want to wet your feet in gecko keeping. I currently have artificial plants in all my Rhacodactylus cages purely for ease of cleaning. I have done live plants in the past, and they help keep humidity high. Works out quite nicely as long as your not concerned with digging for eggs in the root systems if you start a breeding project. They do make awesome nocturnal display animals, and are one of the easiest geckos to keep.

As for European breeders, try
There are some regular posters on the forum that are keeping and breeding ciliatus.

Hope this helps
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Old 04-12-04, 05:34 AM   #3
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Thanks James. I checked out the link, but unfortunately it has not been updated since Oct. 2003! I also worry about getting them from England to the Netherlands. The Dutch have some pretty stringent import/export laws. I wouldn't want to miss something and then the cresties end up being confiscated. Thanks though.

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Old 04-12-04, 10:23 AM   #4
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Hi Kelly
I think you misunderstood what I meant when I directed you there. I'm not sure how many European people post to this forum, but the forums at geckoworld tend to be mostly people from all over Europe. The site itself hasn't been updated recently, but people still post daily in the forums, and you might be able to track down a breeder in your area if you inquire in the Rhacodactylus forum. When you follow the link, go directly to the forum section.
Hope you find what you need.
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Old 04-12-04, 11:43 AM   #5
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You might try to contact one of our members who's in the Netherlands. Go to 'members' link under the ssnakess logo, and search for "doenoe" He could probably help you out with some ideas, maybe even give you direct contact info.
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Old 04-12-04, 01:38 PM   #6
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Hey thanks. I just emailed doenoe. I also check out that site again. There are some listed but they are in the UK. Maybe I will learn something from doenoe. Thanks again.

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