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Old 03-08-04, 08:12 PM   #1
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Question Live Rats Edmonton????

Well, having three BP's that won't eat anything that isnt' moving has now become problematic, kinda. Both my females are eating now 2 adult mice a week. No problem but I would rather give them one sm/med rat or even a gerbil if I could find them live adn available somewhere, not extremely overpriced would work too!! LOL. Thanks anyone/everyone.
Nita Hamilton
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Old 03-08-04, 08:14 PM   #2
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I wouldnt feed them gerbils, ive heard that alotta balls fed gerbils will then only take gerbils, and it can get quite expensive when they're adults.
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Old 03-08-04, 08:42 PM   #3
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It is absolutely impossible to get live rats in Alberta, as they are EXTREMELY illegal here because of the pest control act. Even if you could find any live ones, I don't think you'd want to face the fines if someone reported it to fish & wildlife. I hear they can be VERY punishing.
- Ken LePage
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Old 03-08-04, 08:52 PM   #4
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The university uses live rats in labs, I know I have bought them frozen previously from them. They only sell them dead though, they use CO2 to kill them. I guess I'm stuck with gerbils. I have fed mine young gerbils before and had no prob going back to mice. I may definately have to start breeding though if that is what I have to feed, or tell my sister to get some more!!
Nita Hamilton
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Old 03-08-04, 08:52 PM   #5
west hill herp
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What they don't know whont hurt them.
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Old 03-08-04, 08:59 PM   #6
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Hahahaha...... Alberta is rat free, yup so they claim. RIGHT. I have known of people who kept them as pets in the past and they do exist here, maybe they don't get as big as the ontario ones but they aren't mice that is for sure. DH has seen them a couple times downtown, when having to bus it. I wouldnt' want to breed them myself though I don't like the stink of mice let alone a jumbo size mouse!! LOL. So what would be best then, multiple mice from a petstore I'm looking at $2.50 a piece anyway and I can get gerbils there for about $5.00. Unless there is a private mouse breeder in Edmonton, that sells cheaper. In the summer I am willing to make the drive out of town and buy them for $1.00 a piece cause I will buy enough for 2 months and keep them outside in a cage until I need them, won't keep them in the house though, too stinky.
Nita Hamilton
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Old 03-08-04, 10:17 PM   #7
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Rats aren't nearly as strong smelling as mice. One male mouse will outstink a male rat any day
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Old 03-08-04, 10:32 PM   #8
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when they get bigger you can feed baby rabbits, or possibly guina pigs.
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Old 03-09-04, 01:53 AM   #9
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Originally posted by nita
Hahahaha...... Alberta is rat free, yup so they claim. RIGHT. I have known of people who kept them as pets in the past and they do exist here,
It has happened, but the fines range into six-figures, and although the authorities may be fairly lax on enforcing the F&W regs, the rat thing has been very strictly enforced since the 1930's....just not worth the risk.
G. A. Christian Bilou, MA, B.Sc.
Director, Reptile Rescue Alberta
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Old 03-09-04, 12:26 PM   #10
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Nita, there are a few relatively local feeder breeders that are around. Since I only have one Ball myself feeding hasn't been a horribly expensive thing but getting rats can be a problem since there won't be anywhere you can buy them live or reliably since they are illegal in Alberta. Your best bet is to have them shipped from BC or Saskatchewan.

There is a breeder that brings a cooler full of frozen feeders in for the ERAS meeting the third tuesday of the month. His prices from what i've seen are more than reasonable and i'm actually going to be putting an order in with him for gerbils myself for next week.
If you'd like to get in touch with him as well his name is Neil from Snakey Acres and you can reach him at
nmweldon @
(take out the spaces)
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Old 03-09-04, 12:53 PM   #11
Big Mike
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It's so much easier to feed F/T. It's also safer for the snakes. Even if they don't eat for a few weeks/months...I'd suggest that you try to get them eating F/T.

Once you do that, there are lots of options for getting frozen mice/rats/rabbits etc.

Then you don't have to worry about stinky live rodents and having to look after them. Of course you have to live with frozen rodents in your freezer.
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Old 03-09-04, 09:36 PM   #12
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I do wish that mine would eat frozen but I have been unsuccessfull with my attempts. I know Neil and Michelle quite well from ERAS and for quite a while. Neil depleted his adult stock pretty badly last summer and doesn't have live I've asked. I think my snakes are still to small for rabbit pinkies and not to mention what a pain to drive out for those once a week!! I will be looking into gerbils though. Thanks all.
Nita Hamilton
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Old 03-09-04, 09:40 PM   #13
Tortoise man
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Isnt't it too cold to have thse kinda thing live in Edmonton,
LOL, Just kiddin around ,you guys had one heck of a winter eh!
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Old 03-09-04, 09:49 PM   #14
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Nita and Slannesh. I believe all three of us are members of ERAS. I myself breed mice, well im starting but I plan to have an output of about 1000 mice every 20 days. I belive I have the lowest prices for mice in alberta with my individual pinkie prices beating the 1000 lot price for pinkies from other large distributors. I am going to start carrying all sizes in about 2 months. Contact me for pricing.


BTW. The university has special permits and facilities and all that to keep the rats.
0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.
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Old 03-10-04, 10:29 AM   #15
Big Mike
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If you are thinking about gerbils, ask Mary V. (if you haven't already) I remember that she said she bred gerbils and was feeding then to her kings & corns.
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