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Old 03-29-04, 08:22 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: Lakeside, Ontario
Age: 45
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Please help!!!

I have two sets of 1.1 mice, they both have weaned 1 litter of each. They both have had another litter since, the one female has killed and eaten 6 of the babies sofar, she also looks to have some fur missing from her face, and it's red like a rash. 10 minutes ago I checked on the other mother, she has killed and eaten one of her babies, and she also now has the same rash looking face. I have a male in with each of them and the males look fine. Anyone know what this is?

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Old 03-29-04, 08:35 PM   #2
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Umm i dont keep mice but im pretty sure that the males shouldnt be housed together and if they are than they will eat the babies of the other male and might atack the female plus they might attack each other.
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Old 03-29-04, 08:52 PM   #3
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They aren't, I don't think. He said he has two sets of 1.1, male in each.
Personally I would go with 1.2 or 1.3, but I breed rats, not mice.
As for the red 'rash', it sounds like mabye some of the blood from the babies got on her face and matted it down? If that's not the case, mabye the male has been attacking her because of not enough room? How big of a cage/tank are you keeping them in? The weaned rats, they aren't still in there with the 1.1, are they?

Tammy Rehbein
-You can search all day for something and never find it, only to see it in the most obvious of places after you've stopped looking.-
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Old 03-29-04, 09:23 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: Lakeside, Ontario
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Yes, two sets of 1.1. I don't think it's blood. The one set is in a 10 gallon aquarium and the other set is in a cage that measures 19"x13"x16" (LxWxH). No the weanlings have been removed before she had the next litters.


[Edit] I just checked up on the mice again,
and the one has cleared right up,
and the other one is bad, but it's not a
rash, it's a loss of hair on the face. The
skin is a little red. This also didn't happen
after the first littler, it happend on the second
litter with both mice.


Last edited by Wizwise2000; 03-29-04 at 09:34 PM..
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Old 03-29-04, 10:27 PM   #5
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Is that what it looks like when there's a "whisker eater" in the cage?
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