so recently i posted about how i got 2 new cats for x-mas and i was worried about them getting to my cham. Well...needless to say, they somehow opened my bedroom door and knocked him over.

He was soooo pissed off. After hours of trying to convince him to come out i had to just go in there and grab him so i could clean out the cage. He's never a friendly guy and hates being out of his cage so i hardly take him out. But since that day he's been scratching at the top trying to get out. So i opened it up and he crawled right out and walked onto my shoulder! I was amazed! He's never been this nice! It's as if he finally realized that he'll be let out if he behaves or maybe he's just sucking up as if he's thinking "i'll never be mean again if you keep those cats away from me!" It was so cute though, i took some pictures that i'll post soon!
*Needless to say, i got a big lock for the door!
-Trace, maybe i'll rethink feeding the cats to my snakes! LOL