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Old 01-03-04, 11:29 PM   #1
Wuntu Menny
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I dunno, can anyone lend me a large can of A**hole B Gone? I've been informed this evening of a local boy (that I haven't yet had the pleasure of being introduced to) has decided he's had enough of his chameleon. Apparently its a female veiled that isn't very old but has had some recent health problems.

This lad, who hasn't even tried to help the animal or seek advice anywhere, has opted to stop feeding the animal and turn off her lights and heat in an effort to deliberately kill her and be rid of the inconvenience! Actually he's not really a lad, I'm told he's 19 years old. That's old enough to know better and certainly old enough to be charged as an adult.

This report comes to me 2nd hand through a third party of sterling credibility. The mother of the accused was so torn up over the situation that she felt compelled to share the details today. She (the mom) has been trying to help the poor creature but the evil son won't allow access to his room for her mission of mercy.

I don't know who the punkazz is, and due to issues of confidentiality I'm prevented from backtracking from the source, but I'm going to do a little digging aroung the edges and see what pops up. I won't even type what'll happen next...
Revenge is a dish best served cold...

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Old 01-03-04, 11:44 PM   #2
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OMG save her I bet that she is soo bad. errr god bah cry... go incogneto when the peice o **** leaves go steal her OMG err stupid *** morons. That sux.
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Old 01-03-04, 11:44 PM   #3
DNA Reptiles
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Good luck Lowell, I'd be right there with you if I lived in Calgary!!
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Old 01-03-04, 11:46 PM   #4
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Sad, very sad. Hope the punk gets what he deserves. Someone should throw him in a meat locker for a few days and see how he feels.
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Old 01-03-04, 11:48 PM   #5
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Know what I'd do if I were mom... unscrew the dang bedroom door and kidnap that chameleon and give it to someone who cares. It's her house, she can do what she wants.

I hate, HATE stories like this. I'm stuck over here in Ottawa, but let me know if you need help with this.

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Old 01-03-04, 11:55 PM   #6
Wuntu Menny
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Well the mom was given several suggestions on how to deal with the situation, I only hope she acts before the cham suffers any longer. I'd love to conduct a little personal intervention of my own, but obtaining the information I need would violate federal mandate regarding medical records and it wouldn't be my butt in the sling or I'd do it anyway.

Where do these people come from and why won't they just go away?
Revenge is a dish best served cold...

With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 01-04-04, 12:08 AM   #7
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I would give the mom a nice talking to, and hope she could stiffen her grip on her household. That seems about the only viable source for you at this time as you have said.
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Old 01-04-04, 01:04 AM   #8
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I'd go for the Mom, it's her house, you should remind her. I'd like to drive over to Calgary and twist the nipplehead's neck shut. Stupidity is NOT a handicap, Bust his face up. Stupid ******* *****. I hate stuff like this!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
If I can do anything from Saskatoon, let me know!!

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Old 01-04-04, 03:29 AM   #9
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Or i would through him into a small cage and not feed him. Infact were yah from 8/
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Old 01-04-04, 04:28 AM   #10
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YEA seriously give him the flue then turn off all the light and no food and then put him in a small cage and let him rot away. ahhh errr. stupid guy if you are crule enouf to kill a animal at least do it fast and painless letting it have a slow starving death is just evil.
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Old 01-04-04, 01:50 PM   #11
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wow hes 19 thats sooo funny, you would think he would know better, it seems like hes 8 or something geez. Well i bet there are a lot of animals that suffer like that, thats why we got a humane soicity(spelling), if the mother calls a vet or something to see what she could do, cause thats animal abuse...right???, so mayb that would help, cause its just sick what people do to these poor creatures, theres this one time 2 kids poured a flamable liquid on the dog, and lite him on fire, the kids were charged for animal abuse. But hearing that, its pretty sick, like those people need to learn a lesson, like im turning 15 in a month or so, and i know better then that, wow i wish you luck and keep us posted

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Old 01-04-04, 04:07 PM   #12
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Hey lowell....if she needs a new home, I am always ready and willing. And with my volunteer work at the exotic clinic, maybe i can help her better than some others might be able to. Drop me a pm.

Maybe we can tell the punk she is being confiscated along with her house and all other supplies and a fine of $100 to cover food expenses and medical costs. (joking - approaching someone with a negative attitude will only get you negative results.)
But seriously, the immediate solution is to put the neglected animal in someone elses care.
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Old 01-04-04, 04:10 PM   #13
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Maybe since the situation seems to be stuck with the mother not able to do anything and the son being a dillhole you could just offer to purchase it.

I HATE the thought of paying for rescues but I mean you can't really bust the door down. And maybe the thought of some money would make him agree to give it up.

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Old 01-04-04, 04:57 PM   #14
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If i were you i would call the humane society and report abuse. Tell them everything you know and you can even remain anonymous. If you don't have a humane society i would call the cops and see if they can do anything or if they can tell you who you would need to call.

This is down right WRONG!!!!! No animal should have to suffer like this and i know in the states they WILL prosicute (sp) animal abusers.
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Old 01-04-04, 10:36 PM   #15
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your very very right drewlowe, nothing should suffer like that. Marisa's got a good point "money". i really hope everything will turn out right

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