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Old 10-15-03, 10:07 PM   #1
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Unhappy Black cats/devil cats?

I know this doesn't really belong here but I just thought maybe would know soemthing about it and it is general discussion so her goes...
I live in rural texas and have a extensive family in oklahoma, lousianna, and texas and they are all hunters of things[yes hicks people, but i'm not one of them] Anyways I am very intrested in the paranormal and cryptids so i started asking them about their wild stories of decades of midnight hunts, trust me I have alot. But one thing that kept coming up was the sightings of blacks cats a little bigger then housecats. They all say they just appered sometime in the eighties and were everywhere they would see 5or 6 a night, then thye just left and sightings are very rare now. My dad said that he had over 60 pelts in his shed he kept for years wondering what they were asking fur traders and such but no-one knew what they were. THey also said that they would see the cats and when they looked at them or soemthing they just seemed to disappeear into midair liek ghost cats. I was hoping somone might know something about these cats any info would help me alot. I will also be posting on the other bigfoot and monster of bogy creek stpries they have told me, yes bogy creek sound like a familar movie my dad and uncles have seen it more then once and I got details.
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Old 10-15-03, 10:09 PM   #2
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This post was origannalyy on a cryptid sight so ignor the mentions to more post adn things inless you would like but I know this sight isn't for that show just ignore remarks to that.
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Old 10-15-03, 10:35 PM   #3
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house cats can get I wouldn't say they weren't house cats......."panthers" or mountain lions that are black.
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Old 10-16-03, 04:03 AM   #4
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I'd say stop reading Steven King and listening to, as you put it "hick" family members who tell you tall tales.
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Old 10-16-03, 11:53 AM   #5
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I had a black cat that grew to a whopping 25 pounds... and he wasn't even fat. He was jut HUGE. And he could disappear at the drop of a dime too. No more campfire stories for you.
- Ken LePage
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Old 10-16-03, 01:32 PM   #6
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I have seen some weirdly big house cats, it kinda depends how many sightings you are talking about, enough regular sightings for more than two cats?
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Old 10-16-03, 02:21 PM   #7
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i have a black cat that is enormous, almost 25 lbs! he looks like a bowling ball with tooth picks for legs.
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 10-16-03, 02:55 PM   #8
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Musta been the Jersey Devil.

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Old 10-16-03, 05:08 PM   #9
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The sightings were verywhere there would have been a breeding population of black cats+ there were other subtle diffrences in body type and stuff.
Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles,
deceiving the stupid multitude. -Leonardo Da Vinci
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Old 10-16-03, 05:12 PM   #10
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The boogy cat.

well never seen any of those, but I did come face to face with a admn bear when I was walking at my cottage and let me tell you, when it's pitch black and you just hear that dam groaning, you never run as fast in your life.
good chance it was more scared than me cause I would have been a snack to him
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Old 10-16-03, 05:17 PM   #11
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well i live in north texas and my big brother and his friend saw a big black cat.. near his house *he lives on a creek* could have been a big house cat but what they discribed it alittle bigger then a regular house cat.
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Old 10-16-03, 05:54 PM   #12
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Ummm since Texas is kind of on the subject (not really) I was wondering where Thord07 lives in Texas, and if Llipt is going to the Bob Clark show in November... lol uhhh thanks

btw, do I know either one of you? lol
Who are you callin' a freak?!

Last edited by RachelS.; 10-16-03 at 07:42 PM..
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