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Old 10-14-03, 08:50 AM   #1
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While playing with the snake that we have in our classroom,one of the boys asked me if people can be alergic to snakes.So my question is that....can you be alergic.Other than venom(lol)
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Old 10-14-03, 08:54 AM   #2
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I've never heard of anyone being allergic to reptiles... I suppose some people might be allergic to certain substrates that reptiles can be kept on, but I definitely haven't heard of anyone being allergic to the reptiles themselves.... venom aside of course
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Old 10-14-03, 09:06 AM   #3
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I think even most leather allergies are do to chemicals used in the tanning process and not the skin itself
Old 10-14-03, 09:28 AM   #4
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Allergies generally come from dander. Snakes do not have dander.
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Old 10-14-03, 03:01 PM   #5
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Thanks for your answers.
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Old 10-14-03, 03:07 PM   #6
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yup, snakes are hypoallergenic.
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Old 10-14-03, 03:33 PM   #7
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I've never heard of anyone being alergic to a reptile. deathly afraid of them but not allergic.
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Old 10-14-03, 04:18 PM   #8
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And that's the reason why I have snakes!

Due to my allergic asthma, I can't keep rodents, like I used to, or use wood products.
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Old 10-14-03, 06:41 PM   #9
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Yup. Snakes are great pets for people that have pet allergies! Although, some people may be allergic to the irritants in some snakes saliva, such as garters. When bitten, some may have no reaction, while some others may swell up a great deal and experience some pain.
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Old 10-14-03, 07:08 PM   #10
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What about enzymes? My mum's allergic to a certain type of enzyme... as well as she's technically allergic to herself, because of something that's in her... but that's beside the point...

So technically someone could be allergic to a type of enzyme in snakes, right? :s

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Old 10-14-03, 10:19 PM   #11
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yes, there are some people who are allergic to digestive enzymes and other proteins in reptile's saliva. But unless you are significantly tongueflicked or bitten the reaction is likely to be a non-event.
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Old 10-14-03, 10:43 PM   #12
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It's funny that this is brought up as I've always wondered about snake saliva.

I've been bitten a few times by (thankfully) small snakes thus far: baby pueblan, baby corn and baby viper boa. In each instance the bite did not draw blood, just barly scratched the skin but the area always got very itchy afterwards. I don't think I remember any hives appearing but I definitely remember the itching!

Is snake saliva an irritant that is causing the itch or am I allergic?

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Old 10-15-03, 01:53 AM   #13
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With the number of allergies that I have (18 that I know of, 4 of which can kill me) I am SO thankful that I am not allergic to snake saliva. I've been tagged by 2 snakes so far, 1 king and 1 blue beauty. The king bite bled like hell, the VBB was just a love tap. I didn't react to either, except of course, the blood.
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Old 10-16-03, 12:59 PM   #14
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Is it comfortable living with all of those snakes in the bubble with you? LOL! I've been itchy from snake bites before also.
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Old 10-16-03, 01:09 PM   #15
Tim and Julie B
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I was in a pet store when these two little kids, came in and the girl (10) asked for a mouse and the little boy (8) asked for 20 crickets. I thought it was odd that they were there by themselves. They paid in change and left. The owner of the store told me that their mom was so allergic to everything that she could not even set foot in the store. So the only pets the kids can keep are reptiles and fish. So when most kids have a hampster these kids have a beardie and a corn snake. Too funny TB
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