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Old 07-22-03, 10:51 AM   #1
Colonel SB
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Question Silk Worms for Leos

I just wanted to know from all those Leo keepers out there how do your little guys like silk worms I'm thinkin of getting some to spice up thier diets.
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Old 07-22-03, 11:10 AM   #2
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I got 30 something leos, and it's hard to say. A lot of my geckos will eat silks, others won't. Some people say a silkworm is the equivalent to 10 crickets..... it all depends what you feed your crickets, so don't get caught up by that. What you feed your staple food, you feed your herps. Right now, silk worms are very expensive, considering a gecko will still eat a lot of them in one time.

The item I saw my leopard geckos went bananas most on were wax worms. They act like crocs and snap in the air when they see my fingers approaching with a wax worm.
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Old 07-22-03, 11:10 AM   #3
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Mine enjoy them quite well!!! They also love butterworms.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 07-22-03, 11:14 AM   #4
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I gave a wax worm to my brother 2 days ago and he liked it, but said he was full and didn't want an other one
he wil eat anything.

I tried butterworms, mos my leos were repelled by the smell I gues cause practically none ate some.
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Old 07-22-03, 11:14 AM   #5
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I agree with siretsap about how expensive they are, but they do make a good variety. once or twice a month i will order some for my leos and beardies.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 07-22-03, 12:13 PM   #6
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2 out of my 3 leos love silk worms, in fact one of them now refuses mealworms now! So she has a staple diet of silks instead! My third will take one occasionally and really doesn't like the big ones, she prefers the small ones and will eat those.

I read in many places that leos don't like butterworms. I didn't even know that until after I had fed some to mine and was looking on the internet for nutritional information. I'm happy that mine seem to really like them

So in all, my leos took very well to silkworms. My little one goes completely bonkers for them (MissPiggy) and for the past few weeks my Nala only seems to want soft bodied worms. I don't mind the extra expense as they are very nutritious and keeps me from having to deal with crickets!

Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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Old 07-22-03, 12:18 PM   #7
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All my leos love them no exeption..

The only ones who look elsewhere are the Uroplatus.

Other than that, I never saw a lizard that didn't like silk worms.

Cornsnakes / JCP / Sinaloan Milk / BRB / Veiled / ATB / WLP / Crested Geckos / Uroplatus Henkeli / Vietnamese Cave gecko / Chinese Cave gecko *What's Available*
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Old 07-22-03, 12:37 PM   #8
scott hough
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Most of my leos love them, some of the cresties will eat them, and the beardies can't get enough.
We bought a huge lot of them right before the breeding season started, and we plan on doing the same next year.

good luck
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Old 07-23-03, 07:55 PM   #9
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All of our leos go nuts for silkworms. I would make them the mainstay of their diet if it weren't for price, and difficulty in keeping them (they only eat mulberry leaves or paste). Silks are naturally high in calcium and are supposedly tastier than a lot of the other feeder bugs out there, which makes sense since many fussy eaters will take them down no worries
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Old 07-23-03, 09:16 PM   #10
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has anyone else noticed that a lot of monitors dont eat silkworms? the savs and peachthroat at our store spit them out like theyre the foulest things in the world .. and both species will eat just about anything else!
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Old 07-23-03, 09:56 PM   #11
Mr. Gray
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i find that there really isn't a set guidline for what leos will eat. Or rather all lizards. so far my leo's eat crix mealworms and wax worms without a problem, but my golden gecko refuses anything but mealies and super worms. Go figure.
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Old 07-24-03, 09:46 AM   #12
Colonel SB
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Awsome thanks for all the reply I'm deffinatly gonna try them thnaks.
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Old 07-29-03, 08:44 AM   #13
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Anyone know how to store and keep silworms?
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Old 07-29-03, 10:28 AM   #14
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Does anyone know where I can get silkies in the chicago area? or is there a place i can order them?
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Old 07-29-03, 10:57 AM   #15
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dark angel i order mine through and i live in st. louis. i've never had a problem with one of my orders and well it's the only place i know where to order that isn't out of them half the time.

you can also get waxworms and butterworms there.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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