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Old 07-16-03, 09:53 AM   #1
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My two babies are such sqwakers when I pick them up. They make such a fuss. No matter how gently I handle them and how cautious I am before picking them up they make so much noise. They even sqwak before I pick them up. Is this a baby thing?
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Old 07-16-03, 10:03 AM   #2
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HEHE i call it "barking" yes a majority of the babies i have hatched all "bark" at me for the first few weeks. Very rarely do i have one that won't "bark". Some of my adults when they don't want me to pick them up and examine them will "bark" at me also.
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Old 07-16-03, 10:37 AM   #3
Colonel SB
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I've noticed that Blizzards bark alot more then other morphs.
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Old 07-16-03, 01:43 PM   #4
Wuntu Menny
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We just hatched our very first leo last week and it actually sounds like a high pitched scream. Its sort of humorous for now, but I can't wait till it grows out of that phase.

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Old 07-16-03, 02:33 PM   #5
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typical behaviour for babies. I think it is cute. lol. It also tells you that they are getting stressed. I rarely handle my babies till they are a couple months old to reduce their stress but that is just me. I do however love to hear their little scream. lol, I think it is so funny!! I usually hear it when I clean the cages.
Not all babies do it but most will for the first month or two.
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Old 07-16-03, 03:03 PM   #6
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My Girl and baby scream at me on occassion. Girl has grown out of that now that she's almost a year and a half old. The baby is only a couple of months. Scared me to pieces the first time they screamed at me! I think it is a primarily baby thing, although most adults will 'gurgle' if they get annoyed with you. =)
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Old 07-16-03, 03:14 PM   #7
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adult blizzards are the worst for screamin in my house. My other adults rarely to never make a noise but the blizzard and hets squirm, scream, and crack when I try to handle them. Little buggers, oh, and my male even goes so far as to bite. Blizzards!! lol, got to love the little ugly buggers.
Herps are like pringles, you can't stop at just one.
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Old 07-16-03, 03:51 PM   #8
Tim and Julie B
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Too funy! I always know when something has hatched-all I have to do is walk by the incubator and if I hear screaming I know that i have to get another house ready lol I find that my albinos scream more than anyone else. They are also the grumpiest little buggers. My blizzies are real calm though. The screaming is more of a threat than a stress indicator. It makes them seem bigger and badder so that you won't bug them. Personally, I like when they dish out a little attitude
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Old 07-16-03, 10:08 PM   #9
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usually albinos scream most + are quickest to bite because their vision isn't so great. handle them at night and they are better.
my big adult female only screams when she feels that she might fall when being handled. my newest baby hasnt screamed at all!
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Old 07-16-03, 10:52 PM   #10
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Yeah, my blizzard has grown out of biting me but when I first got her she would hiss and bite like crazy. With regular handling I have her actually wanting to come out to me now but my brother tried to hold her the other day and she bit him LOL.

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Old 07-17-03, 08:18 AM   #11
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Albinos are prone to poor eyesite, biting and screaming? My Girl has excellent eyesite, in fact, she's very observant and a visual creature at that. I'm not sure why people believe that albinos would have poor eyesite... maybe it's because they do have light sensitive eyes. I don't believe this generalization for a minute, based on my personal experiences. =/
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Old 07-17-03, 10:52 AM   #12
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our last batch of leos at the store had one albino, she would scream and bite and everything that moved including other leos. when the lights went off after hours though, she was much better.
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Old 07-17-03, 12:11 PM   #13
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My babies always screamed for the first couple months. I also don't handle than more than necessary until they are about 5 inches long. I have never met an adult leo that continued this "screaming". They usually end up very tame, so there is no need for them to do this anymore as adults.
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Old 07-17-03, 02:11 PM   #14
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Yeah I think it's pretty cute. I try not to handle them a lot either but it's hard cuz they poop so much and they haven't really established a "corner" so I am doing a lot of cleaning.
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Old 07-17-03, 03:48 PM   #15
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LMAO, that is SOO true, Meg! Well-put!
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