Our male jungle is just over 3 years old, is about 7 feet long and a large rat is a huge meal for him. I don't think he will get much larger so rats will do him his whole life.
Jungles are slim-bodied snakes that are strong, but nowhere near the girth of a boa constrictor that is the same length. They could still wrap around a person's neck and exert enough pressure to compress major vessels (and cause fainting) if the snake felt unstable and was trying to get a grip.
In our experience, they are much more sensitive than boas or than the other carpets - our Irian Jayas and coastal cross are much calmer to be handled. I think the carpet pythons are a great species to own - big enough to be a large, beautiful snake, but not so large that they are too much to handle.
good luck in your search for info,
mary v.
Mary VanderKop