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Old 06-14-03, 09:31 AM   #1
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My largest corn snake(over 5 ft) refuses to eat
i have had him for 2 months and he will not keep a meal down
he usually just passes on them, but twice he has started the meals then spit them back down.
I have heard of them fasting for some time, but should i just keep trying him every week? Or is there somting else i should do?
Thanks everyone
Thanks, Austin

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Old 06-14-03, 10:02 AM   #2
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Well, 2 months isn't a hugely long time to fast, but considering the time of year and species, I'd start questionning my husbandry.

First off, what are you temps and humidity like? Is he alone his cage? How big is his cage? Does he have access to clean water at all times?

What are you trying to feed him? What have you tried already?

Lastly, have you had him vet checked? He could have parasites, you should at least get a fecal done.

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Old 06-14-03, 06:03 PM   #3
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You state that its a he & that he is your largest cornsnake, so I assume you have others? Based on that assumption I wouldn't worry too much if he is healthy & your husbandry is correct. Chances are he is horny & senses the presence of females in the room. All my male corns go off food for various lengths during the breeding season & 2 months isn't very long for a healthy adult male corn to go without food. I find mine will start being more interested in food once they have had a chance to visit with their girlfriends for a while. Check your husbandry & if all is well it could just be that he has other things rather than food on his mind.

Also check his mouth to ensure that he is not eating because of an infection or wound. Have you done this since you have owned him or better yet prior to purchase? Its weird how he'll take it & spit it out. Snakes like I mentioned above usually just turn their noses up at food. So it makes me think it may be a different problem. Are you using dead thawed prey? Do you ensure its thawed properly & maybe even heat it up past room temp for your snake? Sometimes that all it may be. Warming up the prey & tease feeding will do wonders. If the snake appears OK & you are doing everything right I wouldn't worry too much about it for a bit. Good Luck Mark I.
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 06-16-03, 10:26 PM   #4
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thanks guys, i will check his mouth today, i think my husbandry is all correct
Thanks, Austin

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