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Old 06-08-03, 11:39 AM   #1
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Cool Banana Geckos...

Hi all, was wondering if anyone has any info or links to care, housing, feeding and what temps the Banana gecko( Gehyra baliola) needs? I have a very nice pair of these geckos, but not to sure if there care would be the same as crested geckos.. Help please...
Thanks a ton and greatly appreciated..
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Old 06-08-03, 04:25 PM   #2
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Hey blackwidow, how are those banana's doing. My tokays are enjoying their new home quite a bit!!!
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!
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Old 06-08-03, 08:24 PM   #3
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Hey Evil welcome aboard!!! There doing great, there cage is a 20 gal. long sort term housing till i get something bigger, so far this is how there set up, branches,live plants and fake, water dish, food dish a low watt dark colored bulb that puts out just enough heat on one end of the cage about 78 to 80 temp, misted well, and one end cool about 68, they seem to be doing very well, i fed them some crix and they only ate a few. I also put some appricot banana mix baby food in there food dish, im gona try some moths tomarrow night as they need time to settle in.. I just cant seem to find any info on them or care sheets.. This pair is awsome very tame and handlable, love the way they can change colors, they dont seem to be skittish at all... Evil, hows them tokays doing???
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Old 06-09-03, 01:18 PM   #4
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My Tokay's are doing great!!! I have them set up in my 29 gallon tall!! I placed the repticarpet in the bottom. I have a large piece of bleached driftwood in there with the plastic half of a log in the bottom, the water dish and a vine hanging from the top. I plan on buying some fake and real plant to put in there. Any Ideas on what types of real plant I should place in with them. I know they have to be pretty sturdy, but I'm not sure what will be safe. I put about 15 crickets in there and they ate most of them. I'm going to try some mashed bannanas in there too, just to see if they will eat it or not. I also went ahead and placed a heat lamp on top to help them during the day and to increase the temps just a bit. The lighter one, who the guy at the show felt was a female, seems pretty calm I can reach in and pet her, but the darker one, who he thought was a male is pretty skittish. As soon as I reach in he scurries away. I can see some wrinkley skin on them, so I know I need to fatten them up a bit, but I hope to possibly someday breed them and have some babies soon. We are going to work with them too, hopefully we can get them to like to be held!!!
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!
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Old 06-09-03, 02:10 PM   #5
Colonel SB
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I wanna see pics of these bannan geckos plz .
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Old 06-09-03, 03:18 PM   #6
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Your bannana's are just a different morph of lepord geckos. I found this on
Here is the first sentence: "Origin
India, Iran, Pakistan, most available in the United States are captive born. Many color varieties are also available now, including leucistic, BANANA, albino, striped, and more are in the works through the dedication of today's professional breeders.
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!
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Old 06-09-03, 03:29 PM   #7
Tim and Julie B
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Actually bananna gecko is a term usually reserved for members of the Gehyra family. Leachies, vorax etc. I would hate to think anyone would sell a leopard as a bananna gecko except for calling it a bananna morph or bananna colored leopard gecko.
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Old 06-09-03, 04:43 PM   #8
Colonel SB
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The only Bannana Leo I know of is the Bannana Blizards.
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Old 06-09-03, 10:19 PM   #9
Tim and Julie B
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Hey there! This is the better half of Tim and JulieLOL. I have Gehyra vorax and as far as I know there are very few facts available on the gehyra species. I can tell you what i've been told by a breeder, and I follow it to the letter. Temps should be between 78-84, mist twice a day, provide UV light, humidity 80-85%, feed fruit baby food no sugar added, pureed sweet fruits but go very easy on banana, a few crickets every now and then with calcium, tall cage with lots of hides and live planted with branches. That's the basics! Take care,
Julie B.
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Old 06-10-03, 09:10 AM   #10
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Thanks Julie, the Banana gecko is closely related to the Vorax gecko, they are under a seperate heading, suposedly they come from Austrailia, these geckos are big and they are very cool. I have them set up in a good size cage with live plants and some fake wrapped around the branches and a hallow branch for hidding, temps around 78 to 80 and i have been keeping there humidity up, mistting the cage few times a day i also have a UVB light on the top at one end. So far no luck getting them to eat, i have placed a feed lid with Appricot mixed fruit baby food and a small amount of banana apple mix baby food, they have a seperate water dish, and i have put a few crix in there also.. They are out of high traffic area as to not stress them. I just cant seem to find any real good info on these geckos or any care sheets.. This is what they look like...
The pic is not mine, it was on a site that i came across, to bad there wasnt any good info..
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Old 06-10-03, 09:18 AM   #11
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Il be getting my girlfriend to take pics of them here shortly and will post them, i think they look better than the one that i put up in the pic, more like the Vorax, They are very capable of color change, from grayish/green/white-mossy to a light creamy brown/white/black bark color markings to a dark chocolate brown with white markings.. There face looks more like this pic that i found which is a Vorax....
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Old 06-10-03, 08:09 PM   #12
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That last pic is Rhacodactylus Chahoua.
I've seen g. baliola before, very pretty, the ones I saw were smaller than g. vorax and had white spotting... other than that I don't know anything about them.
I also had some trouble getting my g. vorax to feed initially, so I moved him into a large opaque rubbermaid and it worked very well, maybe you should give it a try.
Good luck with them.

Last edited by sara; 06-10-03 at 08:17 PM..
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Old 06-11-03, 12:01 AM   #13
Tim and Julie B
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You probably won't be able to find much info but if you look under gehyra in general, you'll get a few things. I can really only go by what a breeder told me, but I suppose if he can breed them he knows a little something special about them. Take care and enjoy the new guy.
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Old 06-13-03, 10:03 AM   #14
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Well i took some pics of these geckos with a throw away camera, we shall see how they turn out, whats cool is how they went from a light grayish green mossy color to a dark chocolate color in seconds when i went to take the pics, so they are gona be dark in color.. If they come out so so ok, il post um later on tonight so you can get an idea of what they sorta look like.... The female is going into a house of her own today, so shes not stressed out from the male anymore...
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Old 06-14-03, 11:20 PM   #15
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Well im bummed the pics didnt come out right, way to blurry, throw away cameras dont take close up pics.. booohoooo... So im gona have to wait now till my girlfriend comes over with her dig cam... As soon as she takes um il post um... sorry everyone i really wanted to show you my babies...
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