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Old 06-10-03, 09:16 PM   #1
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Gehyra marginata *pics*

Well, these guys are also called Gehyra vorax, but after reading some stuff on Gekotta (darn now I forgot the name!) I've read that actually G. vorax is really G. marginata. Whatever the case, I'm in LOVE!!

He's sooo friendly!! Let's me handle him and pick him up, move him around, no problems. He changes colour from a moss green which you will see to a nice light lemony pastel colour.

He was greeny mossy greyish before this pic, now he's beigey

<img src="">

Light yellow colour. Green eye!
<img src="">

Look at the eye now, TEAL!
<img src="">

I LOVE this photo. Check out the wavy lines in the eye. I'm stunned!
<img src="">

I want to find a female!
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Old 06-10-03, 09:22 PM   #2
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Ahhhhhh, that is a cutie!!! Congrats on the new babies.
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!
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Old 06-10-03, 11:55 PM   #3
Tim and Julie B
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Aren't they the best! Like house geckos on steroids.hehehe. And all the extra skin, all velvety soft. Remember, I know a breeder!lol Glad to see how much you like the little bugger.


try this site, it describes vorax pretty well;D
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Old 06-11-03, 06:43 AM   #4
Colonel SB
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Very cool congrats on the new pet.
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Old 06-11-03, 09:31 AM   #5
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Excellent shots Katt, now see mine look somewhat like yours, dont ya just love them toe pads.. there so cool and the way they change color is just awsome.. Mine have the extra skin to, Katt whats the size of yours? Julie whats the size of your Vorax?? Mine are very handable and last night i caught them lapping banana/ appricot fruit mix baby food out of there dish. Im gona try some mango/peach baby food tomarrow..
Warnning! Owner is to busy playing with her critters, tarantulas loose everywhere!!
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Old 06-11-03, 07:03 PM   #6
Tim and Julie B
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Well mine aren't handlable at all, unless bites are considered affection? Very strong chompers they have! lol My male is about 11" and the female is probably 10". Both are very heavy bodied too. Mine eat a wide variety of fruit baby foods and like crickets and silk worms once or so a week. I don't recommend banana more than once a week, as there is too much potassium in them, but any other sweet fruits are great. Color and odor being the best factor in getting them to try new fruits. They really don't care much for apple or pear though. I think they may be too acidic. Very sweet geckos!
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Old 06-11-03, 07:08 PM   #7
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thats awsome i love the pics and those eyes are so cool
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Old 06-11-03, 07:19 PM   #8
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Congrats on the new addition Katt! What a cool looking gecko -- and those eyes!! Wow... LOL
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Old 06-11-03, 10:57 PM   #9
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Thanks Julie, by the way whats the easiest way to get them to start taking the silk worms. Mine dont seem intrested in the crix.. Thanks for the info on not using to much banana, il keep that in mind.. Should i go ahead and use meal worms and wax worms once a week in a dish for them and try that to see what they do?? I am using the vitamin & calcium powder in there baby food and they dont seem to mind and lap the food.. I was thinking twice a week for the vita cal. powder in the food..
Warnning! Owner is to busy playing with her critters, tarantulas loose everywhere!!
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Old 06-11-03, 11:30 PM   #10
Tim and Julie B
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Well, I wait until it seems that they really don't want their fruit. That's when I know they want the protein instead. Another option if they don't want insects is to add turkey baby food to the fruit mix. Use just a small amount otherwise it smells really nasty! The vitamin thing once or twice a week is fine too, although I try to add calcium a little more frequently. If you find that the fruit baby food is too runny try adding a bit of Pablum to the mix to thicken it up. Works well. Do you use UV? I can't remember if you said so or not You can also puree whole fruits like papaya and mango. They really like that, it's very sweet and pungent. Be sure not to use any citrus fruits, not even pineapple. I can't wait until the female is old enough to breed! It takes two years and then you have to be ultra careful when you introduce them. The male can get nasty. Gehyra can slough their skin like day geckos so you have to watch for that during mating too. But the hard work is well worth it!
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Old 06-12-03, 08:29 AM   #11
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Thanks again Julie for the heads up on the turkey baby food, nope im not using any citrus fruits. Yes im using a UVB light at one end of there cage. I got up this morn and noticed most the crix are gone, i dont know whos eatting them but i did notice nice clean firm poos in the cage. I mist there cage 2 times a day real well, These are not small babies, should i go ahead and keep them housed together or seperate them?? One is more secretive than the other, one is a male and the other a female.. I heard and saw the male calling as i was watching them this morn, cute sounds.. I havent seen any fighting or nipping.
Warnning! Owner is to busy playing with her critters, tarantulas loose everywhere!!

Last edited by Blackwidow69; 06-12-03 at 08:51 AM..
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Old 06-12-03, 03:17 PM   #12
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Gotta love the eyes! nice gecko
1.1 Gehyra Vorax 1.0 Golden Gecko 1.0 Oedura Monilis 1.1 Green Tree Frogs
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