Hey all, I finished my IJ enclosure today. Its 4x2x3 (notice the shoe for sizing in the bottom right corner of the pic), compressed particle board, plexiglass front, a 10x10 inch vent on top left with 3 bars in the middle of the cage and 3-4 hides so far. IMAGE ONE:

K, I know the pic looks semi-fruity and colorful but Im using a 7 year old camera..In the pic you see a red top left (a Hide on a platform), two boxes on bottom right and left (Two hidesm one with hole on top), a branch on top right (the light will be above it so the snake can bask on it), and one light brown, and one dark brown bars in the middle (GTP style


This is the top of the cage, 10x10 inch vent on left, and perfurated stainless steel on right (Also stainless steel, light will sit in that hole). The " T n T" is for Trevor n Tyler (Im Trevor, the friend who made it with me is Tyler) out of stainless steel. IMAGE THREE:

In the pic you see the basking branch (top), the 3 bars (dark brown one is in middle of two light ones, kinda hidden), a hide with hole on top (Bottom left), And some vine things.
Sorry for the novel again, thanks for looking!