Had everyone out for a photo shoot the other day while cleaning cages, since I haven't really taken any pics since January... Nobody really felt like cooperating, out of like 250 pics that I took I ended up with around 50 good ones... ah well, that's the joy of digital cameras
Anyways, enjoy!
First, the albinos...
Aidan, tang banded male (didn't really manage to get a pic showing his colour properly):
Rhapsody, yellow jungle female:
Trinity, yellow banded female:
Serenity, orange banded female:
Next, the blizzard group...
Merlin, blizzard male:
Katie, blizzard het female:
Lexi, blizzard female:
Sierra, patternless 66% het blizzard
The original group:
Cujo, hypo tang male (I never do manage to get a good pic of him that shows his color properly):
Zith, lavendar circleback female:
Dallas, rainbow/stripe female:
And finally, my pride and joy -- the carrot tail/hypo tang group
Ciaran, hypo tangerine carrot tail male:
Hailey, hypo tangerine female (colour's a little off, but you can see her darker tang highlights pretty well

Riana, tangerine hypo stripe female -- very cool looking girl, I've never seen another like her

And finally, Ember -- super hypo baldy tangerine carrot tail female. LOL

ain't that a mouthful
Phew. That's it! LOL

Hope you enjoyed...