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Old 08-30-03, 08:00 AM   #1
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Unhappy Geico passed away

Well woke up this AM to find geico, my leaf tail gecko dead...he looked he just died, his foot is still attached to the if he were getting ready to climb. He never showed any signs of being unhealthy, always ate a good bit of crickets. He has a fairly large corner cage....thinking about buying a baby Green Tree and put it in there. Anyways, it kinda upset I haven't done everything right, now Im all worrie dand scared something else is going to die on me...hmmm....well juss wanted to get that out there...
Those who watch for death from afar~~Me
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Old 08-30-03, 11:30 AM   #2
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Gosh I'm so sorry to hear that It does suck when animals die! But remember that it isn't always your fault and there isn't always something you can do about it, even if you realize the animal has a problem (and I know it can be hard to tell!). Or maybe he was old.

At any rate, I would get a necropsy done on him, that way you can make sure he didn't die of anything your other animals might catch.

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Old 08-30-03, 01:27 PM   #3
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that sucks..i just lost an animal also recently and it sucks a lot but you just gotta think that everything happens for a reason. Good luck with the next animal you get...
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Old 08-30-03, 11:15 PM   #4
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I've had animals die unexpectably on me too before. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that.
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Old 08-30-03, 11:17 PM   #5
Bryce Masuk
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Man it seems like you have had streak of bad luck Things will look up soon enough bro
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