With all the talk of dying eggs, computer fans, what Carpets do in nature, humidity, etc etc etc, I decided to show my setup. Its so basic that it would make Boidkeeper (Trev) roll over in his grave!!
All you need is an insulated, water-tight box, a submersible fish heater (wattage dependent on the size of the aformentioned box), a small container for the eggs, some bricks, and some digital thermometers. And for the people who are always flush, a Helix control for backup.
1) Put the bricks in the box.
2) Fill the box with water (up to 1 inch from the top of the bricks).
3) Put the small container for the eggs on top of the bricks.
4) Put the submersible fish heater in the water.
5) Put the digital thermometer probes in the small container.
6) Calibrate the incubator to 88-90F for Pythons, and 83-85F for colubrids.
7) Breed your snakes and get eggs and put them in.
Everything except step 7 is as easy as mud. You can build this setup for $40 Canadian (25 cents US). Why anyone would use anything else (save for an incubation room for the big breeders. But if you're a big breeder, you are NOT reading this thread) is beyond me.
100% hatch rates. Everytime. The trick is, dry or no substrate, and 100% humidity.