Hi phenyx, craigafrechette
thanks both for coming back to me, everything I've read so far had pointed me toward Ball Python, I'm not super fussy on morphs to be fair, I'd just love to give a good home to a well behaved python

(my wife isn't keen but I've got sign off).
I'll definitely take your advise on checking out the breeders, this is exactly why I'm here before committing.
Didn't mean anything by using the word 'breed' but thanks for the heads up & thanks for taking the time to come back to me.
I guess just one last question, as a beginner would you look at a BP as you say thats fed well for a few months or go for one thats a few years old and a good history of feeding? I guess I'm more concerned about having a nippy youngster and not being experienced.
thanks very much for your time.