We are travelling to New Zealand for 3 months on a road trip. A big priority is to see and hopefully photograph animals and plants.
Tuatara is on my bucket list since a kid, even just to see one. I know some zoos have them but would.prefer to see in the wild. Seems they are restricted to islands and most seem to be a no landing type thing. Any islands open to the public that these animals can be witnessed at?
Also the geckos have always been a favorite genus of mine. They are more widely distributed so more likely can go places to see them, if lucky. But tops.on habitat would be appreciated. Or places/breeders that are willing to show different species/locales of captive animals would also be of great interest!
Not.looking for.locations, the hint is half the fun. But legal areas that tuatara roam would be great and maybe some contact info on gecko facilities
Thanks for any info! Arrive tomorrow.