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Old 02-16-03, 02:52 PM   #1
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Question Respiratory infections

Hi I own a female burm (Chyna) who is just over 2 months old. Chyna is 28" and eats like a pig but what i was wondering if any one could help me with is wow often do i mist her? and do I only mist her when she's gonna shed or every day? Also temperature drop at night is it recomended and how much of a drop? Yeah I know I sound like a rooky but I also have a guyana red tail boa (Precious) That I've had for almost a year and have not had a single problem with yet thank GOD. Any info would be highly appreciated. Thanx
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Old 02-16-03, 04:32 PM   #2
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It depends do you have her on mulch or news paper paper towell. I keep my snakes on news paper and I mist them 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening i keep my burms (when i had them) 85-89F during the day 75-80F during the night hop this helps
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 02-16-03, 06:07 PM   #3
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I keep my girl on cypress mulch and her tank is 91F on one side and roughly 78-79F on the cool side. Right now I mist her once every morning.
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Old 02-16-03, 06:14 PM   #4
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you dont have to mist her if you have the correct humidity, and you dont even have to mist during shed, a few soakings is fine. Just wondering, how big is the cage shes in? whats the temperatures, how old is your boa, and how often do you feed your burm?
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Old 02-16-03, 06:26 PM   #5
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My boa is 15 months old and I feed Chyna twice a week every sunday and wednesday she's in a 20 gallon for now. Is the humidity supposed to be around 75 or 80? My temp. is 91Fat one end and 78-79F in the cool end.
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Old 02-16-03, 06:33 PM   #6
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alrite, just wondering how old you are. But the humdity is good, and I would lower the temp to around 88. 91 is kinda hot, if shomething happens and the temps start to rise, hes cooked. Also, you have a female burm, and I'd tell you that should maybe wait alittle to get one, but ya already got one. But back to the subject. If you keep her on that feeding schedule, you will QUICKLY be at a 55 gallon within a few months, thats alot of food for a burm, plus shes a shes, lol, and girls get alot bigger and heavier most of the time. But from what i can tell sounds like your doing good except allittle lower on the temps. Just lower the feeding if ya dont want her to get too big too quick. Oh, dont forget the ? at the top
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Old 02-16-03, 07:31 PM   #7
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Hey snakemann, Im 23 wondering why you asked but any ways I explaind a little wrong the temperature is around 88 an her basking spot is 91. Her eating schedule is what I was told and I also read the same thing. I've been told to feed her like that untill she's 4' then feed her every 5 days. At 6' I should start on the rabbits one every seven days and then at three years cut down to one to two rabbits every ten days. Please keep the info coming thanx.
P.S.- I want a big snake.
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Old 02-27-03, 11:30 AM   #8
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OK, I have only been a member of this site for a week or so, but no one wants to speak up when someone is doing something wrong. Listen, This snake is being fed TOO OFTEN. Her natural gut flora is not being given enough time to replenish itself after digestion, which means that YOU can be causing some HEALTH PROBLEMS for this snake down the road. The proper temps for burmese pythons is 90-92 degrees warm side, and 80-82 degrees cool side. If you do not keep her warm enough, she will get a respiratory infection, which is devastating in a burm, as it weakens the immune system and makes a recurrent RI almost a certainty. Snakemann, if you must give advice, at least give the right advice. I know you know what the right advice is, since MANY people have given it to you. I find it interesting that you would ask for it, then ignore it, then pass it out yourself. You have only been a burm owner for a dew weeks yourself, and you were also advised about burms, even though you ignored the advice. If eclypse Boy wants to take care of his burm the right way, don't pass on faulty info, please. It's the animal who ultimately suffers.
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Old 02-27-03, 11:59 AM   #9
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Wes, I know you want a big snake but it won't happen overnight. I suggest feeding her a rat pup once every five days untill she's ready for the next size prey. When the size of the food increases so does the time you feed her eg. Rat pup-every five days, Small - medium rat- every seven days, large to jumbo -every 14 days and Rabbits every 3-4weeks. I know this doesn't sound like alot but what your doing could hurt your snake and I don't want to see that your burm will grow like a weed regarless.
The temps that you have don't sound too bad 91-95 hot spot is desired and about 82 on the cool side, as for misting get a hygrometer and spray accordingly. Burms don't require high humidity so 60% should be fine so you don't have to spray every day cause that can lead to scale rot. Wes, if there's anything else you need help with just ask.

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Old 02-27-03, 03:34 PM   #10
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Thanks a lot BurmBaroness and nuno the advice will be gladly taken. I'll change her diet ( one rat pup every five days ) and continue keeping her tank warm. Once again thanks. Wes
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