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Old 01-31-03, 08:40 AM   #1
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Hi Gang,

I am not quite happy at where my knowledge stands yet with my new Ackie however, for a quickfix:

I have 0.0.1 ackie i got in a trade and i am really liking it and considering breeding them.

I have read that you should purchase all of the ackies at once and Not introduce any to the one I have, or after I get it sexed can i just get a, mate?

Any Opinions on this?

Any additional information or good "Links" would be greatly appreated

Thanks in advanced

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Last edited by asphyxia; 02-01-03 at 05:18 PM..
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Old 01-31-03, 05:33 PM   #2
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I've had no real problems introducing a foreign male or female to a mate. They have never shown much agression and except newcomers graciously. Breeding will come once the pair is comfortable together, or right away as i've seen on a few ocassions given a proper setup, it all depends on the nature of "your" ackies. It could possibly happen that your pair will fight non stop. This is what i've seen in my collection and it might not hold true for your ackies. Other breeders might have experienced aggression towards a newly introduced animal, let's see what they say.
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Old 01-31-03, 06:18 PM   #3
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As far as Ackies go, I've not seen any real agression when introducing new members to each other, but I have found that the less dominant animal becomes very stressed. Again, this has only been on very few occasions and hardly should be considered as concrete (especially with what Brandon has mentioned).

What I have found, however, is that pairs/groups that were raised together from very young ages seem to produce more eggs more frequently than those introduced to eachother at older ages.

I would agree with Brandon in that a proper setup has a great influence on this as well. Poor setup can result in agression within well established groups as well.......

Best wishes with whatever you decide to do.
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Old 01-31-03, 10:09 PM   #4
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Thanks Guys, so who has some Ackies at a reasionable price?
and lets give it a shot

Here he is

Although he cant talk yet this was his reaction when I told him he was going to get a mate LOL

Thank you
A new monitor guy but man are they ever cool.

By the way...Does the same rule apply for whitethroats
Associated Serpents Inc.
The Green Mile-Rodent Feeders
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

Last edited by asphyxia; 02-03-03 at 03:11 PM..
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Old 02-01-03, 07:47 PM   #5
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Smile V. acanthurus breeding

You shouldn't have any problems grouping them together, as this species is thought to be, and I think live in semi-social groups - and there is enough subtle proof from wild observations to believe this to be add to your hearts, wallet, and cage-mates desires!! More the merrier!!

As for breeding them, thats fairly straight forward, and there are gobs or tons of info on that, if you need to review it, get back to me.
Good Luck!
mark bayless
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Old 02-03-03, 03:11 PM   #6
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Thanks Mark,

I will get back to you soon

Associated Serpents Inc.
The Green Mile-Rodent Feeders
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That way, when you criticize them you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
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Old 02-14-03, 01:01 PM   #7
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lol...that pic of him wiinking is hilarious.
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Old 02-20-03, 05:23 PM   #8
Kyle Walkinshaw
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Omg that winking picture is awsome!!!! GREAT shot!!!!!!
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