out of my adults, I have one big female who is puppy tame and one male that I can handle like a ball python.. but you can never trust them 100% always make sure the head is not facing you if the body is coiled :-o
if so move one hand and hold it near the coiled neck to guide it away.
then out of the 6 other ones.. mommy above and a huge 3200g++ almost 8ft long female I would never trust, always use a hook and a helper.. I must admit that they have calmed down aloooooooot these past years, I can now clean the cage without being worried..
two other females are soso 1 male seems ok once out of the cage and my male basin seems pretty calm.
in general, if you get CBB babies and handle them on a regular basis, they calm down and tolerate it to the point of almost enjoying it, even these little killers

once out they are ok.. but the best is to leave them alone as much as possible until they start feeding on a regular basis.. I remove them to clean the cage if necessary while leaving them perched and take pictures at the same time. they go in hunting mode fairly quick hehehe
with WC !! witch we see lots of, they are usually nippy and harder to tame down, even with years of trying.
in the end however, these are mostly show animals as they do prefer to be left alone.
if breeding them, the best is to never handle them and let them be, this removes possible stress that would complicate breeding them.
but if all someone wants is a cool ETB as a pet, then best to handle it on a regular basis , they don't like leaving the perch so a removable perch and slowly coaxing it off it is the best way to go at it.. just nudge the coils until it starts moving and then guide it to your arm while always going from behind the snake, never from the front. support the front part as it moves off the perch and then it will use the arm as a perch.
some are curious and move all the time, other sorta coil up and stay there.
sorry for rambling on

in short they usually calm down in time