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Old 09-10-14, 01:49 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec-2010
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Sixth Pairing (2014 Season)

Last week Living Gems profiled the Scarface-Onyx pairing, which may produce some amazingly vivid oranges this year.

This week, we are profiling the Hades-Citrine pairing.

Hades is a September 2009 male with bright red color, only a touch less than his brother Prometheus. He is bit more standoffish than his brother, however, and has “told” me he dislikes being sprayed with water ;-). Now pushing five years old, this is his second attempt at breeding.

Below is a picture of him as a baby at three months:

And here a picture of him at his most recent annual photo session, aged four years (looking a bit more orange than red, but still capturing intense color):

Hades currently weighs 1817 grams.

Citrine is an August 2009 female with burnt orange color. Now five years old, this is her first attempt at bat.

Below is a picture of her on her arrival at LGR at nine months:

And here a picture of her at her most recent annual photo session, aged four years:

Citrine currently weighs 1694 grams.

Citrine has left urates for her gentleman caller, but so far I have not witnessed much activity. She last shed on June 20. If all goes well, however, we may have some orange-to-red babies toward the end of this year.

As always, thank you for reading.
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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