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Old 08-14-14, 10:56 AM   #1
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Question Help with Next Snake!

Here's what's going on! Lily, my soon to be 9 yr old, originally wanted frogs for her day, now she wants a snake too! Fine by me, she wants a "tree" snake meaning more arboreal, she said she wanted a more natural colored snake or at least a green one. I as Mom am putting a 9 ft limit on the snake whether she likes it or not! So, y'all know way more about snakes than me can y'all shoot me some names that fit this description so I can see what we can do? Her birthday is in October so I have time to research, I'm no dummie even though I may sound like it occasionally lol! A bit crazy but they had their chance to keep me, not my fault they let me out!
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Old 08-14-14, 11:04 AM   #2
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Sounds like she wants a GTP, lol.
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Old 08-14-14, 11:25 AM   #3
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Apparently that's too green! She wants a "camo green colored snaked" so I guess natural colors lol
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Old 08-14-14, 11:51 AM   #4
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Carpet Pythons are a good shout. They're semi-arboreal so if you give them something to perch/climb on they will use it, they come in a variety of colours and are really easy to look after. There are also Amazon Tree Boas, Emerald Tree Boas and Ratsnakes (RS are semi-arboreal, the other 2 are fully arboreal) but I have very limited knowledge on all 3 of them so they would be options you can look for yourself.
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Old 08-14-14, 11:59 AM   #5
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Cool thanks now she's thrown a kink in the works, she wants an evil looking snake! And red is OK as long as it looks really EVIL! Lmao! Only my children! She wears frills and pink and wants heels, make-up & an EVIL looking tree snake!
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Old 08-14-14, 12:01 PM   #6
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Oh and I forgot the rocket launcher! She wants one of those too! With a skull on the barrel!
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Old 08-14-14, 12:03 PM   #7
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Originally Posted by nazanova View Post
Carpet Pythons are a good shout. They're semi-arboreal so if you give them something to perch/climb on they will use it, they come in a variety of colours and are really easy to look after. There are also Amazon Tree Boas, Emerald Tree Boas and Ratsnakes (RS are semi-arboreal, the other 2 are fully arboreal) but I have very limited knowledge on all 3 of them so they would be options you can look for yourself.
amazon tree boas are similar to carpets in that they are semi-arboreal. They will use the ground just as much as any perch or elevated area in the enclosure.
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Old 08-14-14, 12:09 PM   #8
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

I think she just wants another snake and she wants a different one from her sisters in every way possible. a semi-arboreal would be different enough from blaze. I've noticed she seems to lead towards more triangular heads lol. And likes the pictures that are snakes that coil around branches lol. I can't get it in her head that all arboreal snakes do this! Arg!!! Children!!!
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Old 08-15-14, 10:38 AM   #9
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

We've come full circle back to the GTP. So now for the research part. Lol which is fun for me and lily too. I've already started! Watched several videos, been to several websites. This is one time my insomnia helps me. Trying to figure out the best enclosure for them is going to be fun. I'm going to go with some kind of custom display or viv. I don't do Rubbermaid tubs, no offense to those who do. Its fine but I like watching my snakes, the insomnia thing. I know to cover three sides. I'm no carpenter so me doing itis a no go,& my husband can take a car & computer apart and put them back together but give him wood and he'll cut off his own leg, with the hammer!
"Normal is a setting on a washing washing machine and no one wants to be that!"
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Old 08-15-14, 10:49 AM   #10
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

If it were me I would steer her towards something super easy and indistructible. Have her look at corn morphs or hoggies. If she's like most kids she is going to want to handle the snake (at least for the first week or 2) a lot. I don't think GTPs are a good fit, and I would stay away from carpets even though I think they're awesome, because they can be really nippy early on and that could make your daughter afraid of it.
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Old 08-15-14, 10:51 AM   #11
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Originally Posted by pdomensis
I don't think GTPs are a good fit, and I would stay away from carpets even though I think they're awesome, because they can be really nippy early on and that could make your daughter afraid of it.
Same here. For kids that age, I would look at something else. Gtp's should not be handled often, and it is recommended you don't handle them for their first year. Carpets are also more high strung than other snakes.
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Old 08-15-14, 10:53 AM   #12
EL Ziggy
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Amy- Animal Plastics and Boaphile make some really nice enclosures. If you want something custom made check out The Cage Cartel. Good luck with your new critter.
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Old 08-15-14, 01:11 PM   #13
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Personally I wouldn't suggest an arboreal snake (whether it's a carpet, green tree, emerald, etc) for a first time snake... They tend to be more aggressive and would be very off putting for a beginner when you constantly have something snapping at you. Not saying there are the first out there that are friendly, but in all of my experience with carpets, they were all pretty aggressive. Plus, most carpets can reach the 6-9ft range. Emeralds I've never kept, and I was damn lucky to have a handleable GTP (I've hear nothing but horror stories of keepers not handling them at all cause they were scared of it).
Plus, they fangs are huge, it is not pleasant to be bit by one. It's inevitable that you'll be bit by something that some point, but let's face it, no one likes being bit.

Chances are you girl will want to handle this animal as well. I would suggest a regular columbian boa. While mostly terrestrial, if given the vertical option, they will often climb to explore. They're more often docile than arboreals and come in many morphs.
Now. You won't find a green one... They're typically browns, blacks, yellows, whites, and a bit of pink/red blush here and there.
And you said you didn't want anything huge (like the 9ft mark). A dwarf bci columbian would be great (male if you can, because they tend to be a little smaller).

You could also look at things like rough green snakes, or vine snakes. They tend to stay on the much much smaller size. But that also means sometimes their diet is quite different, usually consisting of bugs or feeder fish of the appropriate size. I'm not sure about the US, but in Canada, those types of colubrids are often wild caught, so they're not easy to handle in a sense that they're VERY flighty. Also with wild caught anything, they're more likely to "drop dead" due to the stress of not establishing well to a captive environment. And while I hate to out a price on life... But those tend to be more on the cheap side, about $100 and under. Where a GTP or ETB will be anywhere from $500 and upwards. Carpets, most normal morphs can be more on the affordable side ($80-150) and fancy morphs obviously costing more. (Keep in mind I'm talking in Canadian market prices. I understand that things in the states are often less??)

On the whole, maybe look into something either like a columbian, or a smaller colubrids.
While it sounds like balls and corns might not be in her colour and climbing preference, try and expose her to those species as well as they make great beginners as well.
I like to tell people that balls, corns, and Colombians make great beginner snakes, the husbandry for each is roughly similar. And price range for each is vary and differs pretty much on what colour you want it. I tell them it's like coffee... Corns are small, more active. Balls are medium, pretty 'lazy'. And Colombians are large, are mellow yet can be active.
Some people don't like large snakes, so they look more at balls or corns. Some don't like lazy ones so they look at corns. Some like them big, so they go for the boas. Some like lazy so they go for balls.
It's all about finding what works best for you in budget, size, temperament, and lastly should be the colour (IMO).
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Old 08-15-14, 01:27 PM   #14
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Actually Lily doesn't like handling the snakes. She likes to look at them. So I'm not too worried about the handling side. Plus if she wants to handle one she can hold Blaze. Thanks for the enclosure link Ziggy. As for the suggestion on corns, we have a milk so they are so similar that it would be like getting her the same snake as her sister. A similar set up. She wants an arboreal snake, and its not like she's doing it alone. We would be helping her. Besides that she's a pretty smart little girl. She not like some of the crazier kids running around these days

They help mostly on cleaning days, some on feeding days (unless the snake seems extra snappy) they change the lighting from day to night and vice versa. They pick out hides and the snake itself. Mom and Dad do the harder stuff. Lily checks temps and humidity and changes water bowls. Just a reminder I am a complete stranger to you, but I know my children you do not. You may know snakes better than I and telling me they don't like being held is one thing, but don't ever say what my kids can't accomplish. It just makes me want to prove you wrong! I am one of the fiercest momma bears you will come across! No one tells my girls what they can't do but me!
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Old 08-15-14, 02:05 PM   #15
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Re: Help with Next Snake!

Originally Posted by NewSAHSnakeMom View Post
Actually Lily doesn't like handling the snakes. She likes to look at them. So I'm not too worried about the handling side. Plus if she wants to handle one she can hold Blaze. Thanks for the enclosure link Ziggy. As for the suggestion on corns, we have a milk so they are so similar that it would be like getting her the same snake as her sister. A similar set up. She wants an arboreal snake, and its not like she's doing it alone. We would be helping her. Besides that she's a pretty smart little girl. She not like some of the crazier kids running around these days

They help mostly on cleaning days, some on feeding days (unless the snake seems extra snappy) they change the lighting from day to night and vice versa. They pick out hides and the snake itself. Mom and Dad do the harder stuff. Lily checks temps and humidity and changes water bowls. Just a reminder I am a complete stranger to you, but I know my children you do not. You may know snakes better than I and telling me they don't like being held is one thing, but don't ever say what my kids can't accomplish. It just makes me want to prove you wrong! I am one of the fiercest momma bears you will come across! No one tells my girls what they can't do but me!
Slow down! No one is accusing you of being a bad mom or suggesting something your kids can't do. So let's drop that topic.

I mean slow down in the snake world as well.

It's great that Lily has such enthusiasm for a new snake to go along with Blaze and her little sister. You and her dad need to tap the breaks a bit here.

You're both just getting the grasp and handle of milksnake care down. We know this as we've seen a lot of threads and questions about feeding and shedding. It's great to ask questions and learn, I'm by no means telling you to stop. I am suggesting that you take a real look at your experience level and despite what your daughter can and will do, ensure the right species is chosen for your family. It's not like you can't get another one down the road!

On to some species mentioned.

Green Tree Pythons (other arboreal species included) should be cautioned greatly jumping into this species. Your daughter may not wish to handle the animal and that's great but who's reaching in to change water? Clean? Feed?

Lori (Lady_bug87 on the forum) has a very handable GTP...during the day. As soon as lights go out she's a monster for food. She sits at the back of her enclosure waiting for something to come within strike distance. (Which she can comfortably strike from the very back of the enclosure) You also don't feed them outside of their enclosure as they can be a delicate species, especially when young.
Be prepared to use hooks if need be with this species as they can be very defensive.

I would suggest something that others have already stated. Carpets are a good choice due to their semi arboreal nature. Captive bred Amazon Tree Boas MAY be an option as they tend to settle down more than the wild caught counterparts.

For red and "evil" that's a tough call. Red is very difficult to find outside of the colubrid world of milks, kings, corns and ratsnakes.

Do some research on a few different kingsnakes. Plenty of them get sizable and are easy to handle. Ball pythons come in multiple colours and so do some of the smaller boas.

Cornsnakes come in so many colours that it can look much different than Blaze. African house snakes make wonderful pets too! Often over looked. Garter snakes come in a wide variety of awesome colouration as well.

For true arboreal you're looking at venomous species, GTP's and ETB's and a few others who are commonly wild caught and not for beginners.

What's key to remember here is to look out for the best interest of the animal's well being and health.
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