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Old 02-12-03, 12:28 AM   #1
Them and Us
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Starting with ATBs

Well just today i finally finished my two new enclosures an the look like crapo but serve the purpose well haha. I moved my large Grey Rat into one and what do you know? i now have a freed up 2'x2'x2'. So I was thinking of getting an ATB in a month or so to fill this void and to satisfy me until i get my BCC this early summer. Plus i would just love a tree boa . What I'm looking at are just some Garden Phase ATBs i have seen for sale. can anybody give me a little info on them and maybe have an adult pic of a Garden Phase. thanks all in advance. Also are ATBs like GTP in that they should not be sexed for over a year? thanks again.
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Last edited by Them and Us; 02-12-03 at 09:27 PM..
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Old 02-12-03, 09:40 PM   #2
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Cant say I've heard of them needing only to be sexed after a year. if someone has the correct probes and is very very careful it can be done, but not for the weak or heart.
One word of advice i can give you is you get what you pay for. If the Ammie your getting is really cheap in price, there is an excellent chance they are wild caught and parasite ridden. W/c snake are usually the ones that are very nasty. C/b seem to be "more handleable" I have 3 that are w/c and would tear your face off if you let them. I have one c/b girl and she's actually pretty nice(for an ammie).
The best pics I have seen are on they have some fabulous pics and some great info on them.
They are awesome snakes, but definately not a lap snake.
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