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Old 11-02-13, 04:02 AM   #1
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Canadian Shipping

Normally I’d post this in “Shipping,” but I did not see a dedicated forum for that topic..and it concerns rainbows anyway.

Is anyone familiar with current Canadian import regulations? I have a customer interested in one of our Brazilian Rainbow babies (I believe the species is still CITES), but traditional importation costs make it impractical.

I see two options:

One, have the customer research the rules for single pet purchases physically picked and driven across the border by the new owner (though fully declared to customs, of course).

Two, try assembling a larger common order that reduces the usually prohibitive costs to a more reasonable average per person, then have the animals distributed after they arrive. I know firms such Reptile Express offer formal versions of this, but suspect a private importer could work a better deal.

Any thoughts?

Many thanks,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
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Old 11-02-13, 06:55 AM   #2
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Re: Canadian Shipping

I called canada customs.They told me the only fee is the tax on what you pay for the snake. The shipping costs a lot. The shipping for me to get a neon blue cali red sided garter from north carolina to ontario $600.00.
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Old 11-02-13, 08:24 AM   #3
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Re: Canadian Shipping

All boas I believe are CITES animals so you've got to have the CITES paperwork done. If you aren't in the area of one of the 26 designated ports the customer has to pay even more for the fish and wildlife inspection. They'd need this driving across or flying it over. Pet or not, CITES is CITES.

It's roughly 800 - 1000 for shipping any CITES animals.

Bad news, it takes 6 - 8 months to pull the CITES paperwork. They are sticklers too so the animal can't be 300 grams bigger than when the paperwork was done or else it will probably be sent back to you.

Good news, I'm looking into making a shipment from the States again so you can PM me.
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Old 11-02-13, 09:22 AM   #4
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Re: Canadian Shipping

Get a hold of Reptiles Express in Ontario. They have all the paperwork in place and will coordinate the shipping.
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Old 11-02-13, 09:45 AM   #5
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Re: Canadian Shipping

Originally Posted by Stewjoe View Post
Get a hold of Reptiles Express in Ontario. They have all the paperwork in place and will coordinate the shipping.
Be wary of quoted time frames though.

My friend did a good order last year, took almost 3 times expected time frame. Might as well do it yourself and save on the broker fees if you'll get the same time delays as anyone.

They do have good customer service though.
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Old 11-04-13, 02:42 PM   #6
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Re: Canadian Shipping

Thank you all for the information! I posted this on three forums, and the other two didn't get a single response....

Much appreciated,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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