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Old 11-26-02, 11:41 AM   #1
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Question Venomous Vets

Can anyone refer me to a veterinarian in the PA, MD, DC, VA area (pref PA) who will see venomous snakes?
I have an eyelash viper who seems unable to pass her babies. I am very concerned that she is weakening. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

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Old 11-26-02, 01:53 PM   #2
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Hey US,
There is rummor of a vet that will se venomous in Pa put I have heard he/she will no longer see new clients and im not sure of the persons name. VA, DC and MD are pretty much out, unless you have a good freind who is on staff at the National Zoo in DC. What you could try is going to a local vet and see if they will see her if restrained, just to get atleast a guestimate as too what sorta of action to take. Perhaps they can prescirbe you oxytocin to help stimulate labor.

Also, are you sure she is haveing babies? I have seen a few Atheris (different genus, I know)bloat up as if they were gravid, then wither away, yet still have a huge bluge in them. Upon autopsy of these animal, a ton of fatty tissue (this is how it was discribed to me)was removed from the bloated area and the cause of death was undetermind.

Whatever may be the case, I wish you the best o luck.

Try post this question on KS again and put to the ATTN of MsTT. She is by far the best forum regular to talk to about vetenarian
practices. If she cant help you locate somone, she can atleast give you a credited assesment of the situation, granted you have a picture you can show and if you give a good clinicl dignosis(aka, explain the problem the best you can, in detail).

Take care and keep us informed.

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Old 11-27-02, 03:42 PM   #3
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Jeremy has great advice. I contact Tanneth Tyre when I have such problems. Her e-mail address is SNAKEGETTERS@USA.NET
Al the very best
Ray Hunter
Phone: (772) 215-7625
Be Blessed!
Ray Hunter, PhD
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Old 11-29-02, 09:48 AM   #4
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Let me check with my Vet friend and see if she help out.
Will W.

PS. I just email her. She usually will answer in the evenings. Lets wait and see.
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Last edited by Cobra_Fangs; 11-29-02 at 09:52 AM..
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Old 01-08-03, 02:01 PM   #5
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If you still haven't had any luck locating a vet..often times the best places to check are the universities. If they don't have vets that will look at hots, they will certainly know of one that will
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Old 01-09-03, 09:30 AM   #6
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If you can find a good herp vet, they may see venomous if you tube and restrain them. That is how it works here.
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