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Old 04-19-05, 12:42 PM   #1
joey's Avatar
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water snake

Early last evening I went with my dog down to the river and
was sitting on a large flat rock right out in the middle of it.
My dog was doing her usual digging up small rocks and then taking them
to the bank... The river is very low but where I was it was kind of
fast moving. All of the sudden I see this huge water snake floating
quickly towards me with a fish about the size of a small trout lodged
in it's mouth about halfway down! It must've caught the fish and then
somehow got caught up in the current----when it came to where I was
the snake lost it's fish, which was dead, and went under the rocks.
The fish continued on downstream and I tried to grab it----no chance.
The poor snake kept bobbing it's head up here and there looking for
it's fricken meal! It was VERY cool. Gorgeous snake and BIG. I felt
bad he/she had lost it's dinner.
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Old 04-19-05, 07:36 PM   #2
snakehunter's Avatar
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HAHA yeah its neat to see animals act normally, oh well she will find another fish sooner or later.............Once I was walking on the pond banks and in the shalloows the hige bullfrogs tadpoles where feeding, and when you got within a certain range they would scoot into the deeper end. So as I was standing there I noticed a snapping turtle with his mouth agape tryung to convince some fish or whatnot, so my diabolic self runs over and scares some tadpoles and SNAP the turt nabbed himself a fleeing tad. it was really neat, kinda felt bad for the little tad, but meh...........
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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