Hello ..
Any advvise would be apreciated..
22 days after prelay my jungle started laying .. heres the weird thing .. she started at noon, laid about 18 eggs then left them and laid 4 more her and there .. after a while of inactivity I took the eggs out .. left her came back in the evening and I could still palpate two eggs right at her oppening
Decided to leave it over night right .. see how that goes .. no lay of those two eggs.. I do not beleive I have never witnessed or heard of egg bounded pythons?
What steps do I take now? More time ,, warm water .. should I get the meds that make her lay (vet) .. (I could have em in a few hours) ..
This boogle my mind ..
Tx for all the help ..
Ohh and 21 out of 22 are fertile wich is good

just don't want to loose the female