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Old 07-27-04, 03:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2004
Posts: 25
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Some pics of Dinner Time :)

Hello all,

These are some pics of my adult female northern ringneck snake, nicknamed Giant, because of the fact she is 20 inches long. Very awesome snake, it's getting hard to supply food for her though, so if you can possibly get me some salamanders in the 3 to 7 inch range, that'd be great. She'll also take frogs, anoles, skinks, fence lizards and other small lizards.

Here is a pic of her compared to an adult melanistic eastern garter snake

Here is a possibly better one

Giant laid 5 eggs over a 3 week time period for unknown reasons, here is a pic of the last 3 eggs she had that survived, the yellowish looking one went bad soon after this pic was taken

Here is Giant in a battle with a 4 inch northern slimy salamander, she grabbed the sally and started chewing on it's neck right away, the sally died a few minutes later, this is a pic of her chewing on it's neck

Here is when she was almost done eating it

Here is a pic of a smaller male northern ringneck snake pulling a shorthead garter snake neonate out from under a rock to eat, him eating the little snake was a accident, a accident that I didn't feel like stopping

Here is a shot of the ringneck winning the battle

PLEASE DO NOT be offended by the last 2 above pics, the shorthead garter snake was in a tank with the ringneck, I, did NOT know that northern ringneck snake was a snake eater, most northerns do not eat snakes, I just looked into the tank to see the ringneck clamped onto the shorthead
Please let's not argue >(

If you can in any way help me out with my salamander crisis, please email me
Michael_Fedzen @

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