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Old 08-29-16, 08:04 AM   #1
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Lily & Riddle

So I picked these two up a few weeks ago. The girl is in shed so I'm also using a picture from the ad too. I wasn't going to get two more retics but Jay gave me a deal on the girl. The male was an add on by my mother when I went back to pick up the female....since she has as much self control as I do. Since she can't physically handle a retic he is of course mine but she bought him and will be helping with his expenses (really just the cage). She named him Riddle after Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Voldemort in Harry Potter. He seems much nicer than his namesake!

The female named Lily since we were on a Harry Potter kick at the time. She is a Purple Sunfire Tiger.

You can see how dull she is right now in this pic and the huge lump of a guinea pig.

Riddle the male amel. He apparently likes to pee and then sleep in it His head is healing up nicely and I haven't seen anymore damage on him from rubbing or pushing.

4.5 Chinese Beauty, 1.0 White Sided Rat, 0.1 Suboc, 0.1 Stillwater Hypo Bull, 1.0 50/50 Cal King, 6.7 Corns, 1.3.1 Ball Python, 7.15 BCI, 1.0 Jaguar Carpet, 2.2 Retics, 2.2 Wolf Snake, 0.1 BRB, 1.2 BCC Suriname, 1.1 Ridleyi Beauty, 0.1 False Water Cobra, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 1.0 Halmahera BTS, 5.4 Parrots, 0.1 Cat, 1.0 Horse
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Old 08-29-16, 08:14 AM   #2
EL Ziggy
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Gorgeous critters Riddick. That Lily is a real show stopper!
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 08-29-16, 11:43 AM   #3
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Gorgeous!! Both of them, how old are they?
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Old 08-29-16, 12:11 PM   #4
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Re: Lily & Riddle

both of them are beautiful. the last picture kind of looks like my mac.
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Old 08-29-16, 12:15 PM   #5
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Re: Lily & Riddle


The little amel is a month or so old probably. I didn't get a hatch date but he is tiny still.

The purple is a year old. She was the pet of someone Jay knew and he took her when the guy couldn't keep her any longer. You can tell she was a pet she is very easy going so far and her feed response seems to barely exist. She took her first jumbo rat easy and didn't even move for the guinea pig actually took her a bit to even start eating it. I would guess her size maybe 9ft. She seems longer than my adult boa that is 8ft. I didn't expect to get her since she was big and I didn't have the food for something her size right now. I was actually looking at one of Jays 2016 goldenchilds but this girls personality was too good to pass up She just had to deal with a slightly small meal the first time until the guinea pigs arrived and I got rabbits for my boa girl to try while I was at it.
4.5 Chinese Beauty, 1.0 White Sided Rat, 0.1 Suboc, 0.1 Stillwater Hypo Bull, 1.0 50/50 Cal King, 6.7 Corns, 1.3.1 Ball Python, 7.15 BCI, 1.0 Jaguar Carpet, 2.2 Retics, 2.2 Wolf Snake, 0.1 BRB, 1.2 BCC Suriname, 1.1 Ridleyi Beauty, 0.1 False Water Cobra, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 1.0 Halmahera BTS, 5.4 Parrots, 0.1 Cat, 1.0 Horse
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Old 08-29-16, 12:26 PM   #6
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Man, I wish your mom could rub some of that acceptance and love on mine! Lol. I'm happy my mom at least tolerates them now. And she doesn't blow a gasket when I mention getting more. XD
"THE Reptiholic"

I stopped counting at 30....
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Old 08-29-16, 12:38 PM   #7
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Originally Posted by Minkness View Post
Man, I wish your mom could rub some of that acceptance and love on mine! Lol. I'm happy my mom at least tolerates them now. And she doesn't blow a gasket when I mention getting more. XD
She was not a snake person when I was younger. I got straight nos on getting a snake for years. So I decided I was going to get a blue tongue skink a snake with little legs. After she fell in love with that one I was able to make the transition to a pretty pink corn snake as my first snake fairly easily. And now she has been fully converted has her own corn snake and keeps picking out retics lol I'm fairly certain she would steal Nunu the sunglow boa if given half the chance too...
4.5 Chinese Beauty, 1.0 White Sided Rat, 0.1 Suboc, 0.1 Stillwater Hypo Bull, 1.0 50/50 Cal King, 6.7 Corns, 1.3.1 Ball Python, 7.15 BCI, 1.0 Jaguar Carpet, 2.2 Retics, 2.2 Wolf Snake, 0.1 BRB, 1.2 BCC Suriname, 1.1 Ridleyi Beauty, 0.1 False Water Cobra, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 1.0 Halmahera BTS, 5.4 Parrots, 0.1 Cat, 1.0 Horse
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Old 08-29-16, 12:58 PM   #8
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Haha! Nice!

My mom still gets the heebee jeebees when she goes into my snake room XD

And retic? NOPE! i do want an SD retic though....hehe
"THE Reptiholic"

I stopped counting at 30....
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Old 08-29-16, 02:47 PM   #9
dave himself
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Re: Lily & Riddle

Both beautiful retics Riddick but Riddle is stunning there's not to many amel,s kicking about
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Old 08-29-16, 07:54 PM   #10
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Re: Lily & Riddle

They're very nice Victoria. Talk about a nice surprise from your mom. I'm quite envious of all these beautiful retics. Maybe one day I'll get brave enough to add one.
2 Black Rats,2 Retics,2 Texas Indigo,1 Albino Chinese Beauty,1 Bull,1 Black Milk,1 YT Cribo,1 Albino Garter,5 Corn Snakes,1 Brooksi,1 VBB,1 MBK,1 Bairds Rat,1 Albino Cal King,1 Pied BP,1 Dumerils Boa,2 Rattlesnakes
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