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Old 12-23-12, 07:52 PM   #1
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Corn snake bathroom help

So I fed my 5mo corn snake 2 pinkies on Wednesday 12/19/12 and although his bump has gone away, I have seen no signs of defecation or urate in his habitat. Should I be worried at this point or is it normal to take this long?

Edit: I have only had him for a week and a half so that was his first feeding in my care

Last edited by Sagan_Lover; 12-23-12 at 08:07 PM..
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Old 12-23-12, 08:08 PM   #2
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Re: Corn snake bathroom help

I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but holy hell, I love your avatar. XD

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Old 12-23-12, 10:11 PM   #3
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Re: Corn snake bathroom help

I wouldn't worry yet.

Some snakes do not poop after every meal. After the snake eats how big is the bump? And how long can you see it for? Not having a big enough meal will result in a lack of poop since the digestive system of snakes is extremely efficient.

If the food lump is not seen after 36h it is most likely time to up the size of prey.

Also what are your temperatures and humidity like? And some other details of your set up would be helpful
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Old 12-23-12, 11:19 PM   #4
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Re: Corn snake bathroom help

Pinkies dont leave much to poop out I wouldn't worry yet. But do check on the feeding bump make sure thats good. If its eating 2 pinkies it can be upped to fuzzies imo
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Old 12-24-12, 05:22 AM   #5
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Re: Corn snake bathroom help

None of my snakes pooped often when on hairless prey - there is just not enough waste product - get the snake onto furry prey and that all changes.

However, dont expect to have a feed, poop, feed, poop schedule as all snakes poop on their own routine.

My corns generally take 2-3 feeds to poop. My retic can go a couple of months without going etc etc etc
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Old 12-25-12, 07:58 PM   #6
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Re: Corn snake bathroom help

Some of my hatchlings just started on two pinkies.
Normally i would feed them 1 larger pinkie every 5 days and they'd be cleaned out around 3 days after feeding when some will have pooped, some wont.
With the double pinkies though didn't poop until 6 days after feeding and some just did a slightly larger poop following the next meal.
They're all from the same clutch and have been offered the same diet and care but still all have their own individual schedules and preferences

My sub-adult is very good and with every set up he's had, he's always picked one spot to poop in. He'll poop in that spot about half way in-between meals - at the moment he's fed every 8 days and poops 4 days after eating. But he's a fussy little thing and is very meticulous about how he likes his living conditions!
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