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Old 11-12-12, 04:17 PM   #1
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Box Turtle Rescue

I just saved a box turtle from my dog in my backyard. I know most advice is going to be to let it go, but I am afraid that I plan on keeping him for the time being. I live in North Carolina and it is getting cooler and am most likely going to hold on to the little guy till spring. Just looking for advice on how much water to have available for him and how much/often to offer food. It is an adult and I would say pretty much fully grown. Thanks for the input.
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Old 11-12-12, 04:22 PM   #2
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Turtles can do fine through the winter. They hibernate.

No in-depth studies have determined exactly why hibernation is necessary to the long-term physiological well being of mature North American box turtles (Terrapene sp.). But those that are not allowed to hibernate usually experience a progressive physical and mental decline.
Box turtle hibernation

You really should let it go, and I hope you do.

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Old 11-12-12, 07:58 PM   #3
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

I understand that turtles native to North Carolina can somehow miraculously survive the winter. I didn't think that they were imported each spring. I would like to keep the turtle for various reasons. I am really looking more for useful information than unnecessary lessons on turtles. Please respond with something that can help both me and the turtle progress in our mutual cohabitation. I really would appreciate tips and suggestions on husbandry and feeding. Thank you
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Old 11-12-12, 11:50 PM   #4
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

I would check bylaws in your area since I'm pretty sure keeping a native species in captivity is illegal in some places. If it is uninjured I would suggest releasing it in a safe location
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Old 11-13-12, 08:48 AM   #5
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

I don't understand what about that quote by Maggot is unnessecary, I understand you want to keep it for whatever reason but after reading that it could cause him harm it seems a little wrong to want to put an animal through suffering purely because you want to keep it.
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Old 11-13-12, 10:11 AM   #6
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Originally Posted by Valvaren View Post
I don't understand what about that quote by Maggot is unnessecary, I understand you want to keep it for whatever reason but after reading that it could cause him harm it seems a little wrong to want to put an animal through suffering purely because you want to keep it.
If you read the quote and clicked the link you would have seen that there is an explanation of how to hibernate box turtles in captivity. So assuming that I am not an idiot or incompitant it is unnecessary. I appreciate any and all information. But what I asked for was dietary information. If I ask how to tune an engine I don't really want to hear tips on changing a tire. That's the point I'm trying to make. I simply want an answer to my question.
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Old 11-13-12, 10:21 AM   #7
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

This is a wild animal, though it was good you saved him from your dog I can not condone you keeping it. If you're keeping other herps you could be endangering them if you aren't quarantining properly.

But if you insist, here is a good care sheet I found AAHA Healthy Pet | Box Turtle Care
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Old 11-13-12, 10:30 AM   #8
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Had you continued to the bottom of the link you would have seen the link to "Return to Box Turtle Care and Conservation" Box Turtle Care and Conservation Webpage
What better info than from a reptile vet.
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Old 11-13-12, 11:35 AM   #9
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Originally Posted by Brently View Post
If you read the quote and clicked the link you would have seen that there is an explanation of how to hibernate box turtles in captivity. So assuming that I am not an idiot or incompitant it is unnecessary. I appreciate any and all information. But what I asked for was dietary information. If I ask how to tune an engine I don't really want to hear tips on changing a tire. That's the point I'm trying to make. I simply want an answer to my question.
Yes, because someone who has zero experience with box turtles should definitely try to keep a wild one in a fish tank and make it hibernate as their first experience. That sounds like a great idea.

And how do you plan on housing it?

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Old 11-13-12, 04:56 PM   #10
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Well seeing as I apparently am not going to receive a useful response to my original question, I will simply apologize. I am sorry that I mistakenly thought this forum was for educational purposes. I suppose I should ask permission before I buy/adopt/or rescue any more animals. Not that I need to explain why but I plan on returning the turtle to the wild the next warmer day. I would still like an answer to my original question as it may be a few days due to the weather.
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Old 11-13-12, 05:03 PM   #11
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

I gave you a link to the diet above. This link gives you everything you need to know.
Box Turtles
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Old 11-13-12, 05:14 PM   #12
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Originally Posted by Brently View Post
Well seeing as I apparently am not going to receive a useful response to my original question, I will simply apologize. I am sorry that I mistakenly thought this forum was for educational purposes. I suppose I should ask permission before I buy/adopt/or rescue any more animals. Not that I need to explain why but I plan on returning the turtle to the wild the next warmer day. I would still like an answer to my original question as it may be a few days due to the weather.
I also gave you a resource to use. I'm sorry I didn't open it, read it for you, then explain it to you, I assumed you could read.
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Old 11-13-12, 06:31 PM   #13
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

come on now guys be nice
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Old 11-13-12, 09:08 PM   #14
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

Ok. Your returning it to the wild? Great. Best choice. Feed it the food in the link until then.
Glad your listening. No explanations required as you are doing the right thing. Finally we win one. So many non listeners lately it's nice this has gone the right way. Good luck. He will be fine!!
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Old 11-13-12, 09:52 PM   #15
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Re: Box Turtle Rescue

I would just google some care sheets. Type in box turtle care, turtle species, etc. etc. Usually if it's an aquatic species it' needs a water filter, if it's a ground species, then heat lamp, etc that way. I'd just keep doing google options.
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