Originally Posted by red ink
I'll go the opposite and say no handling and let it settle in...
let him settle in and start eating regular BEFORE you handle him,then after he's ate 4 to 6 meals in a row,i'd start the handling.....
i ALWAYS give them 3 days after a meal,to allow them to digest their meal,before i would handle them...
you may cause them to regurate,if you handle them too soon after a feed
1.begin calming by wearing thin soft leather gloves
2when taking it out the tank,.DON'T dotter about at the front of the tank,just walk right up,open the doors and take the snake right out,DON'T give it a chance to get all defensive
3.the gloves will hide your heat signature,so you can let the snake,run through your hands,also wear a long sleeved jumper/shirt,again to hide your skins heat signature
ALWAYS keep the snake OUT of striking distance of your FACE
4.start by taking it out for 5 minutes per day,until it stops striking so much
5.once its calm for its 5 minute sessions,keep it out for 10 minutes
8.after its calm for 10 minutes,keep it out for 15 minutes
9.after it remains clam for the 15 minute period,let it go through your gloved hands for 5 minutes,if it remains calm,take 1 glove off,gradually let it run over your ungloved hand,at first it will get spooked by the heat of your hand,it will spring back into strike position and get defensive...
10.so with your ungloved hand,try NOT to move it TOO FAST,with your fingers,or hands,because until they're used to,the heat of your skin,they WILL instinctively,DEFENSIVELY bite...
11.if they bite and do NOT let go,try running a TRICKLE of COLD water,from a tap on their heads
12.if that does NOT work,then removing a snake,holding on with its bite,we have to be carefull,NOT to damage their teeth
13.gently prize open the jaws.....lifting the TOP jaw,in an upward and foward movement.....the BOTTOM jaws,in a downward forward motion.....(ALL jaws HAVE to be,moved at the EXACT same time)...this method allows for,the shape of a carpets teeth
14.ALL that said,you do get carpets who DON'T ever calm down
please let us know how it goes
cheers shaun