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Old 03-12-12, 10:04 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2012
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Feeding young Brown dekays snake!?!?!?!?

I joined this site because I NEED feeding advice. My 3 year old brother came in the house holding a little snake and threw it at someone. I ran into the room because I heard the word "snake" and I took it from him. Anyway, I have this young Storeria dekayi (probably 8 inches, I guess thats not THAT young, based on what I know about them) and I don't know how to feed it. I know WHAT to feed it, (worms, small slugs, little bugs) but I tried putting a bunch of worms in the cage right in front of him, but he didn't eat. Then I put him in a small tupperware container (no distractions) with a few worms, and he didn't eat there either.

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Old 03-12-12, 11:19 AM   #2
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Re: Feeding young Brown dekays snake!?!?!?!?

Let it settle in Stu, or should I call you dude??

we will talk.

Can you post pics of your setup so I can help you fine tune it to the snakes needs?

It would be helpful.
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Old 03-12-12, 11:31 AM   #3
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Re: Feeding young Brown dekays snake!?!?!?!?

Was the snake injured? IF not why not just let it go back outside so that it can go back to its own environment?
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Old 03-12-12, 01:03 PM   #4
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Re: Feeding young Brown dekays snake!?!?!?!?

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
Let it settle in Stu, or should I call you dude??

we will talk.

Can you post pics of your setup so I can help you fine tune it to the snakes needs?

It would be helpful.
Ok I will chime in as well. Normally I would say anything wild should stay wild but in this case, I defer to Waynes judgement on this. If its legal where you are and its safe for people to be around this snake, I dont see a problem with this.

Idk if this snake is the same as the Brown snake that is native to Iowa, but a friend of mine wound up with one and could not get it to eat. He didnt know it was a Brown snake or that it was a native species but as soon as he found out, he released it because in Iowa we cant keep native species. Anyway, the question is a valid one and again, Wayne would know more than I would on these snakes. If I were you, I would listen to what he advises you on this and go with it. He keeps Garters and has a good handle on these things.
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Old 03-12-12, 01:08 PM   #5
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Re: Feeding young Brown dekays snake!?!?!?!?

After looking this snake up some more, I now realize that this is the snake that my friend ended up with and released. Iowas got some funky laws about keeping native species. Anyway, Idk where you live or what your laws are but this snake is harmless from what Ive seen and if its legal where you live, go for it.
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