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Old 11-28-11, 08:59 PM   #1
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Talking Garden phase ATB coming soon! [help wanted!]

Hello, i'm trading my Chinese water dragon for a Amazon tree boa "garden phase" I believe it is, based on research but the guy I'm getting it from says its granite phase, is there such thing and if so whats the difference?

Also, I was wondering what type of plants could I had to his cage and are there any types that I could get from my backyard or something in the lines of that.
This is my first type of tree python and I'm very excited, I've been reading everything almost every chance I get just to make sure I'm ready. I'm aware that they can be aggressive but I'm to get bitten a couple times, practice makes perfect!

If you have any advice or if you even have an boas yourself and would like to share please do!
I'll post pictures of him/her as soon as I can! Thanks guys!
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Old 11-28-11, 09:10 PM   #2
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Re: Garden phase ATB coming soon! [help wanted!]

Well knock on wood I haven't been tagged by my atb yet. Mine gets very still right before she strikes. Good luck.
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Old 11-28-11, 09:59 PM   #3
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Re: Garden phase ATB coming soon! [help wanted!]

Originally Posted by It'sKourtneyYo View Post
Hello, i'm trading my Chinese water dragon for a Amazon tree boa "garden phase" I believe it is, based on research but the guy I'm getting it from says its granite phase, is there such thing and if so whats the difference?

Also, I was wondering what type of plants could I had to his cage and are there any types that I could get from my backyard or something in the lines of that.
This is my first type of tree python and I'm very excited, I've been reading everything almost every chance I get just to make sure I'm ready. I'm aware that they can be aggressive but I'm to get bitten a couple times, practice makes perfect!

If you have any advice or if you even have an boas yourself and would like to share please do!
I'll post pictures of him/her as soon as I can! Thanks guys!
There is no such thing as a granite phase. A garden ATB is gray or shades of brown or greens. Basically they are ground colors. People make up these names to make them worth more. I keep and breed ATBs for a hobby. PM me and I will give you a great source for ATB info.
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